Chapter 2

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Ella’s Pov:

I ran back inside to my bedroom but was stopped by someone yelling.

“Ella get back here now” Queen Eleanor demanded. Just great (sarcasm).

“Yes mother” I said in the most innocent voice I could.

“Where have you been” she said.

“Just for a walk in the garden” I said. There was no point lying. This isn’t going to be good.

“Why were you outside? What have I told you about being outside in the dark? You are already grounded. Which means don’t go outside at all” she exclaimed “You are going to be in more trouble if you don’t listen to me. I will lock your bedroom door till you learn to grow up and act your age” here we go “don’t role your eyes at me and get to your bedroom now”  shouting the last part.

Quickly avoiding eye contact I went back to my bedroom, making a stop on the bathroom too.

I then just noticed I haven’t eaten anything all day besides the apple so I ordered Mary to bring me up a chicken wrap seeming as I feel like one. When she arrived I thanked her gratefully and ate while watching TV. Nothing was on so I just ended up watching some chick flick. It wasn’t till then I looked at the time and realised that it was almost midnight. Even though I sleep all day I was still tried but something wasn’t just letting me sleep. It started to get really warm in my bedroom so I went outside to my balcony. My balcony was almost like Rapunzel when her prince charming came to save her. I hope someone comes and saves me from getting married.

In the corner of my eye I saw something dash from the one side of the garden to the other. I thought it might have been my imagination. But then that made me thing about before when I was in the garden and those piercing red eyes looked straight at me. I started to get paranoid of being outside so I went back to open the doors. Only problem was that they were locked. Great. Can this day get any better??? (sarcasm). I’m scared as hell and I know the only way to get down this balcony is the emergency exit which leads to the garden. I might as well use it considering I have no other way to get inside and for me this counts as an emergency. I started to climb down the emergency stairs and made my way to the garden. It is okay nothing is in the garden just you.

“I’ll be fine” I whispered to myself.

As I walked past the fountain I could feel someone’s eyes staring at my back but when I looked around no one was there. Me being me clumsy wasn’t looking where I was going as I fell straight into a ditch but that’s when I heard it again *SNAP* *SNAP*. This time it was closer almost like it was right in the bush in front of me. I closed my eyes to believe that this is all fake it’s just a dream, but as soon as I opened them seeing the piercing red eyes I saw earlier today. First instinct was to scream. So that’s what I did, but it was to only be muffled by a large hand covering my mouth as a body was then sat on top of me to stop me from moving. I tried to kick, scratch anything that could get me out but it was no use the ‘unknown person’ had me trapped right underneath him, with my hands caged in one of his hands and the other over my mouth so I couldn’t escape.

“Shhh, I have you” a raspy, English accent was said to be coming from the unknown person.

“My name is Harry and I’m just here to taste you” WTF taste me!! What the hell does that me!! Taste me!!!

A cloth was covered over my mouth to stop me from screaming and a rope was tied to my wrists burning into my skin as I was thrown over Harry’s shoulder. I thrashed in his arms trying to set myself free but it was no use. In a flash of a second we were suddenly at a shed. The garden shed. As he carried me inside of the shed he placed me down on the bench tying me down so I couldn’t move. He then hovered over the top of me so I could see his features clearly. Red eyes with a hint of green in them almost looked like he was hungry, brown, long curls covering his head. Slowly a smirk was plastered on his face showing me his teeth- wait those are some weird teeth they almost look like- FANGS. What vampires aren’t real are they? They can’t be it is all fake. It’s just my dream.

He then leaned over my neck whispering in my ear

“We are going to have some fun” this isn’t good.

He dug his head in the crotch of my neck and started kissing a vein. Taste me. It makes sense to me know he IS GOING TO SUCK MY BLOOD. Crap. As I was thinking I felt his fangs brush my neck. Then all the sudden a sharp pain inflicted on my neck. He bite me. He is sucking my blood. I felt weaker and weaker with every ounce of blood that was sucked. I was becoming so weak I-


Harry’s Pov:

As I sucked Princess Ella’s blood out of her neck I could feel her getting weaker and weaker. To the point we I am pretty sure she pasted out, knowing that that was enough blood. She was such a natural beauty. So gorgeous I have to make her mine someday. But that day was not today. I know she has to go back to her room. So I untied her from the bench pulling her over my shoulder and taking her back. Walking through the gardens and back up the emergency stair case I found the key to the door. Opening it and placing her on the bed I put my hand on her head making her forget about all that happened with me tonight and healing the cuts on her wrist and bite mark with my vampire abilities. Giving her a kiss on the forehead I said,

“I love you and will be back soon my love”……..


Hope you guys like it. Don’t forget to comment and vote.

Thanks, Helena Xxx

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