Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3:

Ella’s Pov:

Waking up to the sound of birds, opening my eyes and sat up. I felt different as in a weird feeling. Almost as if something happened. I just can’t remember anything. As I got up, I went to go have a shower seeming as I forgot to have one yesterday. I slipped out of my clothes and took off my jewellery that I am somehow still wearing, but left on my crystal necklace. I can’t ever take it off… if anyone knew who I really am they would freak. It’s all because of that stupid curse that I have to wear the necklace. Why did it happen to me? Turning on the hot water letting it warm up, I stepped in. Letting the warm water hit my back almost as in a massaging way. After rinsing my hair and washing it I washed my body.

After my shower, wrapping myself in a towel to dry myself I went into my walk in wardrobe and chose my outfit for the day (on the side👉). After applying my makeup on and doing my hair leaving it in its natural curls and in a waterfall braid with half my hair down I was done. Walking down the hall ways I finally made it down to the dining room where breakfast will be held. As soon as I was in, I spotted the one and only Christopher.

“Ella so great of you to join us” father said.

“Good morning princess” Christopher smiled. I would call it a smile more like a smirk with something fishy going on.

As I went to sit down as far as I could mother stopped me.

“Come sit next to Christopher your soon to be husband” mother said.

Sighing I walked over to Christopher who was smiling at me. Once I was seated I felt a hand on my thigh. As soon as it was on I slapped his hand off only to have it put back on more forcefully. As I looked up I noticed my parents staring directly at us.

“You two okay???” Father asked.

“Yeah we are fine you majesty” Christopher said quickly before I could interrupt. He took his hand off.

Letting out a huff of annoyance, our food come out. Plates of bacon, eggs, pancakes, crepes, cereal, toast everything you could ask for breakfast which suddenly made me starving. As the food was placed down I dug in of course ‘using manners’ in front of my parents. Dishing my dish I got bacon, eggs and a side dish of mini pancakes with ice-cream and maple syrup on top.


After finishing my breakfast I excused myself from the table going back to my bedroom. I wonder what I should do today. Well if I have to get married might as well go shopping.

Grabbing my purse I went back down the stairs to find my parents. I eventually found them.

“Mum I’m going to go shopping” I said.

“Make sure you bring a guard with you” she ordered.

“Yep” I answered.

After grabbing my guard, Dylan, we left. Driving out the palace gates we arrived at the shopping centre.

“Stay by me your majesty” Dylan politely said. I just nodded.


After shopping till it was almost dark I was done. We made our way to the car. No one was around. It was almost deserted. After getting in the car we made our way home.


When we were home we got out of the car and from the corner of my eye I saw a shadow. Quickly I turned around and no one was there but I swear I saw one. I can feel this weird chill down my spine. What’s going on? I started to feel faint as I walked up the stairs to the palace doors. I felt really weak like I was going to-


Dylan’s Pov:

As Princess Ella made her way up the stairs she seemed distracted and looked pale. Without warning she collapsed to the ground but luckily I caught her in time so she wouldn’t fall down the stairs.

“Princess Ella!” I exclaimed lifting her up in my arms bridle style quickly bringing her into the palace. Taking her down the halls to the nurse, Anne.

“What happened?!” Anne exclaimed.

“She fainted” I answered back putting her on the bed.


Ella’s Pov:

Opening my eyes, blinding them from the bright light in my face, I saw a familiar face in front of me, Anne.

“How are you feeling??” she asked.

“Good. What time is it??” I answered.

“About 7:30” she replied.

“I’m going to go have dinner” I said.


As I walked through the doors to the dining room my parents started questioning.

“Are you okay? What happened?” father and mother questioned.

“I’m fine” I replied.

When dinner was finished we sat at the table talking.

“Are you excited about the wedding?” Father asked out of the blue.

“No” I mumbled.

“Well either way you are going to get married to Christopher whether you like it or not. So you won’t be backing out of it” mother said harshly. Here we go.

“Well you can’t go round telling me what I can and can’t do. When I am older I will do what I want. I am not 6 anymore. I’m sick of this marriage and I won’t be getting married” I said pissed off.

“You will be getting married whether you like it or not” mother exclaimed standing right in front of me “no one cares what you think because I am the Queen and you will listen to what I will say” raising her hand to have it slapped across my face.

I stood there stunned. Did she really just hit me? I can already feel the burning pain on my cheek as it gets red so she must of. As soon as she realised what she had done she snapped out of it giving me a soft look of sorry.

“Ella I... I” she stuttered.

“No I think you explained enough” I whispered loud enough for them to here with tears in my eyes. Walking away to my bedroom.

Sick of life. Sick of being a princess. And sick of people bossing me around. What am I going to do about the wedding? There is only one option.

Run Away.     


Hey! The next chapters is where she is going to runaway and officially met Harry so yeah. What is Ella's curse???  Please comment and vote!!!

Helena Xxx

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