Tired, Baby Boy?

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Yoongi immediately slipped into little space as soon as he entered the shared hotel room with Hoseok, puffing as he falls face first onto the white, silky duvets.

Hoseok smiled at his adorable, pouty boyfriend. He doesn't blame him for acting like this, not when they've just had a rough day. Said pouty boyfriend had just rolled on his back and was dozing off already. Tours always have that effect over Yoongi, as soon as the adrenaline he feels during the midst of the concert fades away, exhaustion washes over him instead.

As much as Hoseok wanted to just give in, cuddle with Yoongi and fall asleep, both of them were sweaty and gross, so a shower was in need, and he was definitely not letting Yoongi off. He knew that Yoongi would just whine and curl into himself, refusig to budge, and that was exactly what he did when Hoseok asked him to go shower.

Yoongi's sunshine boyfriend had no choice but to physically pick him up and carry him into the bathroom, taking good care of him. First he stripped the sleepy baby of his damp clothes and prepared the bath. As they wait for the water to fill up, he whispers praises and reassurances into Yoongi's ears, eliciting a purr. It was amazing, really, to see how Yoongi comes undone so easily when with Hoseok, and seeing him vulnerable makes Hoseok's heart ache just the tiniest bit.

Yoongi was just so raw in this state, and how he doesn't worry over showing this side to Hoseok makes Hoseok warm with affection. Hoseok gently bathes Yoongi and washes his hair in the shower, always being careful when treating his precious little baby.

As soon as Hoseok deemed the bath water to be warm, but not too hot as he doesn't want to accidentally burn his baby boy, he enters the bathtub first, before asking Yoongi to join him. Yoongi smiles sweetly before doing so, dipping his milky white legs into the bath water. They soak away their exhaustion and muscle pains from earlier in a comfortable silence.

Neither of them feel the need to say anything as they understand each other well enough even without words. It was a kind of special bond, and they reassure and give confidence to each other just by staying together. As Hoseok gently stroked Yoongi's wet, black hair, Yoongi on the other hand was so comfortable, he slowly slipped off into dreamland.

Hoseok chuckled seeing this, and carries Yoongi out and tucks him, not before drying him and helping him put on a pair of adorable kumamon pajamas. Yoongi was so light that although it was easy for Hoseok to carry him around, often worries him whether his slim, overworking producer boyfriend had been eating properly.

As soon as Hoseok dims the lights until they're just a soft, warm glow, he too climbs into bed and cuddles up with Yoongi, embracing Yoongi's lithe form in his own stronger one. Yoongi stirs awake and snuggles even closer to the warmth provided, quickly falling back asleep after mumbling a "goodnight" and "I love you" to his boyfriend who stared at him with affectionate eyes, replying him with a gentle kiss to the forehead.

Needless to say, both of them slept well and when morning came, Yoongi returned the tender kiss to Hoseok's lips.


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Hope you liked it <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2017 ⏰

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