broken bond

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It has now been a good 85 years since Astral and his lover Yuma has been together. The two weren't really surprised they were still together, this love was true. They knew, that they wanted to spend their lives together for eternity.

But sadly for Yuma, eternity was not possible. While the years went on Yuma aged while Astral did not, Yuma was now just as short as he was at 13, holding on his cane, wrinkles all around his face,arms and body, most of his hair gone. But Astral didn't see any of this, he saw him as the same young boy he was when they first met, well a very... Inactive one, which was strange for Yuma. Cause of age they had stopped being active for a time now, He had to admit he kinda missed that. But what he really missed was their adventures,their friends, everything. Time was cruel, especially to humans. He really didn't know what to do, he knew Yuma's days were coming to an end. He knew the day would come and as time passed the more he ignored it, it stressed him, Astral was depressed for the longest time but it was easily hidden under his personality. The two lived alone, Haru had passed while Yuma was in his thirties, so did Tetsuo because of obesity. Those were one of the hardest times in his life and Astral was there. To keep him strong and motivate him to at least move in the mornings. He really loved Yuma. He didn't want him to die, he never wanted to leave his side, he'd just take his own life if this was to happen. But rethinking this, their kids would be devastated. He had to stay strong, for Yuma and his family.

Yuma sat in his rocking chair, listening to music.

"Astral? You seem out of it today again."
Yuma chuckled wheezing.

Astral who had a solemn expression hovering near him.  he still was not used to this looked worriedly at him.

"Because, I am thinking."

"Thinking about?"



"Yuma, I know, I shouldn't be thinking about this but, you once told me in the 'before times' humans could live to at least 800."

"Yeah, but they could also have measured a year differently than now, so really. I don't know."

"Yes... I've noticed humans now live to at least 120 before death, you... You- may be on your way."

Astral didn't even get to finish before he burst into tears.

Yuma quickly flung his brittle, wrinkly hands around Astral.

"Hey- it's okay, I'll be okay."

"Yuma, don't lie to make me feel better... I know you're going to die, and there's nothing I can do about it. As the priest said 'til death due us part" ... I don't want us to part... I love you too much Yuma."

"Who says we have to part, even when I did I'll still love you..." Yuma held Astral closely, arms wrapped around his waist. "Astral, I don't want you to think about this."
"But it's all I think about, I don't want you to leave me, even Elisa and Ren are worried."

"Astral, please....I want you to think of the good memories and  take care of them, live happy with them. Remember me by being with them."


"They should be the reminder, that our love created them. Remind you how much I love you all." Yuma frowned
'Only if I wasn't human, everything would be okay...'

"Yuma don't say this."

"But, maybe this could also destined to happen."

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