Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I walk up the street, calling my friend, Rachel, to see if I could stay at her place for a while until I can pay for rent.

The street reminds me of fun I used to have during little brother and I, Jonas, would draw on the sidewalks, and sometimes we would make treasure hunts for the other kids on our block.

I muster up yet another tear. I keep walking as I try to get a hold of Rachel, never looking back. Even if that house holds so much memories, it holds an evil spirit right now. Speaking of Rachel..where is she? Is she at one of those parties..? Again?

Finally, I hear the dial tone stop. A friendly voice replaces the ugly standard phone sound.

"Hey Jess, what's up?" Rach asks. In the background, I hear loud music and noise. I knew it. She's partying.

" dad sorta kicked me out of my I was wondering if I could go stay at yours until I can pay rent..''

"Oh my gosh! What happened? can tell me when we get to my place. Uh..I'll just leave this party. And of course you can stay!"

"Rachel, you're the best! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

"You're welcome. Where do I pick you up?"

"I'm at the mall. Can you pick me up at Starbucks?"

"Sure! See you in fifteen!"

And with that, Rachel hanged up.

I noticed that I walked myself to the mall. I enter though the

Sliding doors and take a quick walk to Starbucks.

I start to think. I'm taking this so well. I usually crawl up in a corner and cry in a ball. I never feel so brave to just leave and get a new life. And if you think about it, that takes courage. Wow. But the thing is, I'm broken. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to get snapped in half by all of their words and actions. I don't want to suffer. Why do people hate me? I just want to be a normal 16 year old. With friends, a family, loving parents, a living sibling, joy, happiness, cheer,

Before I had all those things, but never love. Never real love. I had a boyfriend..but he used me. He used me for popularity. Because I was famous. Smart kid, he's the most popular guy in school. And he's the one who started the bullying thing, cuz he claimed that I was dumb. Maybe I'm the problem. Yeah, I'm probably a problem. To everyone. Even Rachel.

You see, Rachel is my only friend. She's the only nice one to me. She first started out as those bullies..but she found out about my dad, cuz she and her buddies were gonna toilet paper our house. So she went around the corner, and looked in the window. She saw my dad slashing me in the stomach with his punches.

That's when I got a friend.

When she saw the hurt I get.

Our friendship is probably out of sympathy.

So, do you know what to do to solve a problem?

You end i-

I feel a body bump me. I look around me. I was so lost in my thoughts , I didn't notice that I wasn't at Starbucks yet. I was just a few meters away.

The person who bumped into me was tall, around my height, but taller. He wore a black sweatshirt and some medium blue jeans. He also wore a pair of DC's. Whoa..he also looked...handsome? And..very..VERY familiar.

"Uhm..sorry," I say, looking at his familiar..

"No, I'm sorry, it was my fault," he said. His familiar..ugh! Who is he?

"Actually, I think it's my fault," I state in shame.

"Um..I think it's my fault," he replies.

"My fault,"

"My fault,"

"My fault,"

"My fault,"

"My fault,"

"My fault,"

"My-gahahahahahagahahaha!" I laugh, and he laughs too, just realizing that we were fighting over who bumped into who.

"Uh..I guess I'll see you around?" The mystery boy asks. Still so familiar..

"Yeah, see ya!" I smile. Butterflies..tingles..why am I feeling these things?

I didn't know that he literally meant that he would see me again.

'Cause he did.


I know guys, really short. Not that anyone reads this anyway.

So..who do you think the mystery boy is? It probably is obvious..

Anyway, here's my update schedule:

Sunday • Monday • Wednesday • Friday

Four days of the week!

I'll try to get in all these updates.



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