Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I realized. The guy in front of me. The guy in the mall was. The. Epic. Bajan. Canadian. Andhejustkilledmeinthehungergames.

Wow. No wonder he seemed so familiar. I met him at the Minecon! Of 2013! Riiiiight..and we signed people's shirts! And we-

"'re..BreeJessHugsMC?!" He asks.

"And you're TheBajanCanadian?!" I exclaim.

"Yup!" We both say in unison. I giggle.


"Haha I tricked you.."

"Oh shut up!"

"I think I'll leave you two alone.." Rachel smirks at me, wriggling her eyebrows. Oh please. Seriously, Rach?

She leaves and the two of us are left alone.

"I think..I should go to my room..and..unpack.." I say, beginning to feel nervous. The awkward silence was slowly killing me.

"Uh..sure..see you around? I guess?"

"Ok..that's the second time you said that today.." I laugh.

"Haha. Talk to you later, um..what do you want me to call you? You have so many names.."

"Jess is fine!" And with that,

I go set off to my room.


I can't believe I just had a conversation with's so weird! I never felt this way before! Whatever. My periods' probably kicking in. Ugh. I hate that thing.

I finally finish unloading my things, after two hours. I didn't know I packed that much!

I decide to go to the kitchen. I'm getting pretty hungry anyway. I also didn't get to ask Rachel how she knew Mitch.

" do you know who the famous BajanCanadian is?"

"Hmmm..I'm his best friend's sister?"

"Cool! Why'd you not tell me?"

"Cuz I never knew you were into that minecraft stuff until today."



"Ok, I'm going to sleep now. Night Rach. Oh, and thanks for letting me stay here again."

"You're welcome! Night Bree!"

"Night Rach!"


Up in my room, I brush my teeth and change into my pyjamas.

As I get into my bed, I notice my phone flicker.

Come back home. If not, I'll find you.


Dad. No. This can't be happening. He can't find me. I won't be able to live with this.

I cried myself to sleep and had nightmares that night.


Sorry that this was so short..I just really need to keep up with the ideas. Also, I haven't updated in a really long time, so I'm really sorry. To all the 34 people who read this. Yes, I got 34 reads. That's awesome! Thanks to all my supporters.

Btw, do you guys like Ross Lynch fanfics?

If you do, tell me. I might recommend or right a fanfiction of him.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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