One Shot- First Date

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Vic- This is your 5th pierce the veil show, you live in San Diego so you see them a lot. This is your 3rd time meeting band. As you waltz up to take a picture. Out of nowhere Vic greets you by your name. You start blushing because he remembers you. "Wow I didn't think you'd remember you meet a lot
of people. " You take a quick picture with them, but before you walk off you hear Vic whisper to himself "I could never forget a face like that." You stare at him and he lets out an awkward chuckle. During their set Vic notices you, and like most of his shows brings a fan onto the stage. He chooses you. He sings to you and whispers "Coffee. Me, You." You give him wide eyes and slowly nod. Wondering if you're dreaming. He gives you the details after the show. He takes you out in the city while he's off tour. You guys go check out record shops and listen to music all day. He brings you to a small restaurant, you sit in a little private corner with lights strung above and order a milkshake. They end up making only one and saying they won't make another (A/N bad service if you ask me) You and Vic just share it. When you're almost done tells you to take the last sip, you go to do it, and he swiftly grabs your face gently looks you in the eyes. He smirks, then kisses you, you're surprised by his action but kiss back. He whispers into your ear "I couldn't resist I'm sorry."  The night continues, he walks you to your door and asks if you guys could go on another date before you leave.

Tony- You guys are both at the movies. Your blind date doesn't show up he was said he'd pay, you were dropped off so you had no way of getting home. Tony noticed you were upset sitting outside of the movie theatre alone. "Hey, uh not to be weird but are you okay?"  You smile at his kindness and explain how'd you gotten this way, he begins to frown in the cutest way and you hold back a smile. "Why would someone just leave someone as pretty as you on the curb? I don't understand some people, it's dangerous being out here alone. Would you like-" he pauses scratching the back of his neck his eyes growing wide in realization of what he had just said. "Sorry for sounding like a creep, but would you like to watch a movie with me. I'll pay?" He gives you a worried smile. You nod slowly, and his smile widens, after a few moments he quickly stands up giving you a hand pulling you up. You go in and watch Star Wars, you notice how every once and awhile he grins at you. Later after the movie he excuses him self and calls someone you over hear the conversation. "Jaime! This girl someone left her- and she hot- no not hot she's beautiful- I'm going to take her on another date- hopefully- she might think I'm weird- yeah I know I'll take it slow- I just hope everything works out- bye hime." After that he takes you home.

I'll do Mike and Jaime in the next chapter (maybe)

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