Me and my dog

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I want to give wisher1227 for giving me this idea, thank you!

Lenny loved her sweet dog, Ramen, a lot. She was always loyal and fun. One day, as Lenny got home from school, she noticed her dog wasn't there. She figured, well, she might be in her room ( or any other room as a matter of fact) sleeping, waiting for Lenny. Lenny ran up to her room to find nothing. Then, she ran to her other rooms.
"Mom, where's Ramen?" Lenny asked.
"WHAT HONEY!?" Her mom asked, since she was vacuuming. So, Lenny went outside. She searched everywhere but Ramen wasn't found. She went to her room. And started crying. Her mom came by her bed.
"Hey, we'll find Ramen. Don't worry." She said worried. Lenny wiped her tears and nodded.
Soon, it was bed time (A/N: I sound like a baby when I'm saying this, right?). And Lenny was snuggled in soft blanket, dreaming of sugarplums, and her doggie. Soon, everyone was asleep, and there was a squeaking sound coming from the front door. A dog with red eyes and white fur came in. It growled, and slowly went up the stairs. Hey, what a convenience, it's Lenny's dog! Not exactly. The dog leaped into Lenny's room, and crept over to her owner. And licked her right on the face, over and over and over again! She woke up! Just kidding, Ramen only looked at Lenny and left the door locked for her owner, so she might not be able to hear what was going to happen. Ramen walked into Lenny's parents door, and came up to her parents, sleeping like babies. After a few seconds, she went to Lenny's brothers room. After that, Ramen went back to Lenny's room, with blood dripping from her dogs mouth. That's what they get fro shooing her out of the house. It was Morning, and Lenny woke up, to find a surprise, Ramen was sound asleep on her floor. But nests to her was a puddle of blood. She was confused, so Lenny got off her bed and went to her brother's room.  On the bed, was a pile of bones and blood on the bedsheets. Lenny screamed. So she ran to her parent's room, to find the same thing happened to her parents. Turns out, if you kicked out your dog today, your dead. Literally .

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