Lost and found (Natsu x reader x Gray) part 1

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Hey guys I'm back. I know I haven't been on for quite a few months but I have alot of shit going on in my life. But I'm going to make you guys a priority now and try to update at least once a month okay!

So in this story the reader can shape shift into pretty much anything but you are a wolf at the beginning. This is kinda rushed, and I'm rusted so sorry if it's bad I am going to edit it later.

(Y/n)'s POV
I was walking around the cold mountain, sniffing around every known and than to see if there was any food close, when I smelt something strange. It smelled of smoke. I quickly ran after the scent, the wing blazing through my (f/c) fur, before it disappeared.
I quickly found the source. It appeared to be a human. He smelled of a dragon and had pink hair which you don't see often. I was about to leave when he stired. He groaned lifting his head enough to see me. He reached out to me slightly before fainting again. I quickly ran to him suddenly having  the need to help the poor being.
When I got closer I smelt something along the lines of copper....well and normal canine would think that. It wasn't copper but blood. I hoisted the boy onto my back quickly runing to a near by cave.

~time skip~

The boy's bleed stopped long ago but he was still shivering. I was curled into his his side attempting to transfer as much body heat as possible. Though he was shivering the boy felt quite warm. I lay me head on his and drifted off to sleep.

~time skip brought to you buy a striping Gray ~

“Brrr, i-it's so c-old out there” I heard a feminine voice say. “I'm used to worse but think of Natsu...Lucy, he has to almost be frozen by now not to mention he was bleedi-” A male's voice was cut off. “DON'T YOU TALK LIKE THAT GRAY!!! NATSU IS STRONG.... he has to be okay....” the female retorted, her voice died at the end. I groggily stood up and over the pink haired boy and growled at the new company.
I now had a better look at the two. The girl had blonde hair and brown eyes. She's quite busty and she had, what seemed to be, a ring of keys and a whip on her side. She also had a strange pink logo on the back of her hand. The man had black shiny hair and very dark almost black blue eyes. He was quite fit with the same logo on his chest only black. He had his fist on his palm looking ready to attack.
The humans stared me down until they saw what I was standing over. I look a relief wash over both their faces, as they started to relax a little. I was still tense wary about what they were going to do next. I growled once more until the male advanced towards me saying “it's okay we're not going to hurt you... that's our friend”. My ears perked up from their position flat on my neck. I stepped off the pink haired male and tilted my head towards him. “ I found him badly wounded on the edge of one of the cliffs, you might want help him soon, as he might bleed out. On top of that, the human might have hypothermia. I did the best I could keep him warm.” I told the two.
They jump backwards alarmed.  The female exclaimed “you can talk!”. I sat down and scratch my ear lightly. I said with a scoff “of course I can I'm not all wolf you know. You humans are all alike, you see a canine and assume it's all one species”. With this i started to change my bones cracking my face flattening, until I looked like a human, minus my ears and tail.(you are wearing clothes, it:s made from your fur, that's why you fur in your favorite color) Their jaws drop as a blue cat with wing popped out from behind the girl.It's eye were wide with awe.
I rolled my (e/c) eyes. This is normal. Humans are enchanted by my looks. My (h/l), (h/c) hair and my clear (s/c), save for one scar on my back. I cleared my throat. “ your friend here is dieing I don't think you should be ogling over me”. This quickly snapped the two out of their fantasy as the rushed to help their friend. 
By now I had concluded that the female was Lucy, the male with black hair was Gray, and pinky was Natsu. The cat interested me slightly thought.
Just as I thought this the ball of fur came over to me. “Hi, I'm Happy! What's your name?” I looked at the cat confused. “I am (y/n), Daughter of the great snow dragon, Yukine. But why did you tell me your mood?”. The cat flew around me, laughing. “Happy's my name”. My mouth formed a o in understanding.
Gray turned to me “You were raised by a dragon? So your another dragon slayer?”. I tilted my head. “If you mean I can use ice powers similar to that of a dragon...than yes”. The pink haired boy, Natsu, shot up like a rocket. He grabbed my hands, pushing Gray away rather quickly. “YOU WERE RASIED BY A DRAGON!?!!? Where is she!! Maybe she knows where Igneel is” he exclaimed, very excited.
I nodded my head “I know Igneel rather well. I saw him a month ago, but him and Yukine left after that. I am sorry their trail ran cold long ago”. I pited Natsu he looked so sad when I told him this. “In any case we need to get you to a doctor ” I inform him. “One problem ” Lucy finally piped up “There's a raging storm outside”. I looked to the mouth of the cave to find her correct. “That could be a problem " said Gray. 
I thought for a moment before smirking. “No...it's not..” my bone structure changed once again. Once done,I shake to get my scales comfortable. The four look at me in wonder. “Yo-your a dr-dr-dr” Gray stuttered. “Dragon” Natsu finished. “Naturally ” I said quite proud. “Climb on” I craned my neck so they could climb on. 
Once they were comfortable Lucy voices her concern. “Wait Natsu, won't you get sick?”. Natsu smiled “Nah, (y/n) help me out so she's a friend, not transportation” Lucy nodded as I ready myself. I was almost out when I realised something. I abruptly stop almost tripping. “Wait where are we even going” we all sweat drop.

~time skip~

Once I knew where to go we took off. We land by the guild in a matter of minutes. People streamed out to meet us. They all began to fuss  over Natsu bring him inside. Gray and Lucy jumped of me as I got ready to take flight. 
“WAIT!!!” Lucy and Gray shouted. I paused a moment to look at them. “Stay... At least until Natsu is better” Lucy asked or more demanded. I thought for a second before changing to my human form. “Okay I'll stay for a week or two” I agreed. Lucy and three other girls came up to me. The small one with blue haired introduced herself and the other's.
“Hi, I'm Wendy. This is Erza and Levy” I blushed she was very cute. I smiled and introduced myself. “Are you going to be apart of our family?” she asked very innocently. I shook my head “I must go home”. She looked sad but quickly recovered and show me around the huge building, that I heard was called a guild. This might be fun.....

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