Item (Link x Draga)

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This is a story I did for school and its about link and me Draga please no hate not that great of job its extremely rushed.

He pointed me towards the opening in the tree. "I'm sure you'll be pleased. It's surprisingly large once you're inside." I looked at the strange man with no face. I cocked my head to the side curiously. "Are you sure what I seek is in there?" He nodded. I gulped slightly, before taking a deep breath and walking into the tree. When I walked in, it was quite dark, I could barely see. He let out a maniacal laugh "Have fun~". My eyes widen with shock "Wait don't-"It was too late the door was slammed shut. I quickly rushed over and tried to open the door. Great it's locked I thought.
I quickly took out my katana and hit the door repeatedly. My sharp katana just banged off without a scratch. "For Din's sake!!...Cynders help me" I sighed. Said creature wormed out of my clothes and on to my head. He snorted fire and said what's wrong? "That creep with no face locked me in here" I exclaimed wondering how he and my phoenix, Ash had tuned the whole incident out. He sighed and prodded Ash, waking her up, she looked at him angered. He pointed to the door and flew down. She quickly jumped down and followed. When they got next to the door they stared to blow fire at it. The way the fire lit up Cynders black and red scales was magnificent. And the way Ash's black feathers shone was beautiful. If was a great sight but as soon as they flew back my heart was shattered. The door -that just underwent the power and heat of a Dragon and Phoenix- was still standing. I slumped against a wall. Great never getting out of here now I thought depressed. Don't worry master a feminine voice rang through my head we will escape your friends will come for you eventually. I nodded at Ash thankful for her positivity.
I had been locked in here for hours I think, and Cynders and Ash were curled up with each other asleep. I just sat there thinking what will happen to Scarlet, Shadow and Smile, my three loyal wolf/dogs. I then thought of my friends. Ilia, Talo, Beth, Colin, Malo... Link. Link was my best friend... and crush. I will never get to tell him I thought as I felt the tears rush down my face. I never cry...but here I am crying over a boy that I like. My crying was interrupted by barks. Wait that sounds like..."Scarlet!" I cry out. My scream awoke Cynders and Ash...and something else. "Scarlet we're in here!" Cynders gave a roar, and Ash screeched. Then I heard two more barks join Scarlet. Shadow and Smile I thought. "Scarlet, Shadow, Smile go get Link and lead him here. I don't care if you have to drag him here by his tunic. Tell him I can't get out, I even tried hitting the door with my katana." I heard them howled and paws running as fast as they could. You see Link was able to talk to wolves/dogs, and that came in handy. I looked at Cynders and Ash "Link's on his way, we will be fine."
And since the Gods loved to torturer me, and prove me wrong, we all heard a long low deep growl. We looked up at the source of the sound. A Twilight Hound jumped down from a ledge above us. I gulped "Spoke too soon..." The wolf like creature lunged at me. I skillfully dodged and took out my sword - yes I have both a sword and katana- and shield attacking the creature along with Cynders and Ash.
We had been fighting the Hound for what felt like hours and fatigue was starting to set in. We had knocked the creature down for the up-teenth time and it just got back up. I knew it was simply regenerating because I could do that to. But a little while before all this happened I got into a fight and since then can't regenerate nor use any of my powers like shapeshifting. The beast had landed many hits on me and I was out of potions.
The Twilight creature batted Cynders and Ash away knocking them unconscious. It then lunged at me knocked away my sword and shield. It pinned me down snarling. I tried to slash at him with my brass knuckles, with a knife on the end but it just caught my hand and pinned it down. It lifted its claws ready to bring it down on me when, the door busted open and the beast was thrown off of me. I heard growling and snapping but I couldn't move. "Draga" I heard someone call. "L-Link" I said weakly. "sshh, here drink this" he told me as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He handed me a potion which I thankfully drank. I felt better instantly and sat up with Link helping me. I looked over to see the beast backed into a corner surrounded by Scarlet, Shadow, and Smile. It let out a cry and dash away, up the interior of the tree. Scarlet gave one last growl before bounding over to me, licking my face. "woaah girl" I said as she calmed down. "Shadow, Smile go help Cynders. Scarlet you grab Ash" the said animals nodded and went to help there fallen comrades. "Draga, can you stand?" Link questioned me. I nodded and tried to stand, failing as I fell back. I braced for impact but it never came. I looked up at Link who was holding me up. "Guess, I can't " I said sheepishly. He chuckled before picking me up. "Come on let's head home".
They journey home was silent, until we were less than five minutes away. Link suddenly stopped. "Draga" he said in a low voice. I was slightly frightened. "Y-yes?" I gulped. "What were you doing in there in the first place?" he questioned. My face flushed "We-well" I stuttered "I know of a stone that can grant an wish to any person that touches it. And I observed that lately you had been feeling down and worried. I figured that if I found it you could use it to make you happy. And I also wanted my powers back." I said sheepishly with a hard blush on my face. He looked at me with a soft smile before he hugged me "Thank-you Draga, for worrying about me". I smiled and hugged back with a quite 'you welcome'.
We stood there for a little bit, before Ash squawked right in my ear. I held my ear and glared at her "WHAT!!!" She jumped/ flew back scared sorry for that but is this stone purple and blue? She questioned. I nodded "but how did you know that..." She flew off for a moment, then came back with something in her claws. I opened my hands as she dropped it.(Press this Link)I looked at the object with wonder. It was the very stone I was looking for. "Bu-but h-how?" I asked flabbergasted. I found it in the tree and hid it when we got out so I could find it later Ash told me. I petted her "Good girl". I turned around and passed the stone to Link. "Here you can wish for whatever you want...except for love" I kind of mumbled the last part. He nodded and took the stone from me. Less than 5 seconds later I felt power surge through my body and all of my wounds have healed. "What?" Link looked down and smiled at me. "The reason I was so down was because, I was looking for the stone so I could get you your powers back and I couldn't find out anything about it. The reason I was worried was because I didn't want you to get hurt while you didn't have your powers." I looked up at Link with tears of joy running down my face. "Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you" I said over and over as I tackled the boy. After we parted we looked into each others eye. We both blushed and started to lean in. Our lips were less than a centimeter apart when..."DRAGA, LINK THERE YOU ARE!!".
Me and Link immediately jumped back away from each other. We looked over to see Talo, Malo, Beth, and Colin. We smiled and waved at them. Talo grabbed my hand and started dragging me away. "Come on Draga. You said you would take us all on a flight around Hyrule" he said leading me towards the field. "Hey wait for us" I heard Malo yell as they began to follow me and Talo. I simple chuckled at them, as I looked back at Link. I smiled now knowing he likes me too. But I can't help but wonder....when are we going to finish what we started?

FYI that picture/ drawing is of Draga while in dragon form. And I drew it myself what do you guys think

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