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~ Zayn's POV June 20th 1962 ~

Being back with Liam was all I could ask for. Breaking up with him was so hard I had all these feeling within me which I never experienced in my life. The loss of my sister did not help at all .

At least Liam told me the truth though it was late and he got rid of Timothy so it was a lot better now.

Almost six months with this sexy ass vampire and I loved every minute I had with him.

Everything about him was just so unique despite him being a human blood sucking monster which he really wasn't even though that was in his blood.

Our relationship was just perfect to be honest not trying to brag. We were a cute couple always poking each other,tickling,teasing and at night we were wild (you know what I mean (; )

I think Harry and Louis were jealous because they had more of a kinky type of relationship while ours was adorable.

Niall tried to hang with us but he became more distant when Louis and Liam came into the picture. He did like them I know he did it was just something about them made Niall seem a bit uneasy.

The whole nightclub incident with Timothy and my sisters death and all was long forgotten. Timothy was gone now and we finally were all at peace.

I gained my weight back and was a lot healthier thanks to my caring lover.

I could not ask for a better life.

"Morning,baby" Liam's large soft hand caressed my cheek as I snuggled deeper into his warm chest.

"Don't you have work, beautiful?"


My eyes shot open and I sprung up out of the bed in a matter of seconds "Damn it,What time is it?"

Liam chuckled resting his head on his fist watching me frantically hop around trying to get ready quick.

"Its 10am babe you got an hour"

After slipping on a pair of tight ripped skinny jeans I took a pillow and whacked the chuckling sexy jerk.

"Shut up I got an hour to get there" I turned back around slipping​ on a white tank and a red and white plaid flannel.

"Want me to drive you hun?" Liam offered with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes blushing "Thanks babe but I got my own motorbike and those stupid mods may talk if they see two rocker boys cuddled up on a bike together"

Liam shrugged smiling brightly "So let those mods talk, baby they don't about us" he smirked "They don't know about the things we do"

My cheeks reddened "Shhh" I lightly giggled.

Liam winked at me "Do you love me?"

"Yes of coarse, baby" I smiled leaning over to place a kiss on his lips.

"Mmm" he hummed "I can taste your delicious blood through your skin"

I laughed pulling away from him "Your disgusting"

"-ly handsome,I know I am babe" Liam flashed a teethy grin.

"Shut up,I'm the handsome one" I mocked his grin.

He gave a dramatic saddened look "Oh? So what am I then?"

I pretended to think for a moment he was already everything to me "Hmm sexy"

His eyes lightened "I am huh?"

"Yep and you got such a big personality it makes you even more sexy" I was now sounding like a lovesick teenage girl.

Forever / Ziam Mayne (completed)Where stories live. Discover now