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Violence is one of the things that vampires thrive on. Most have control over these urges and are able to live normal lives. However, there are those that choose to soak in the violence. These creatures are rouges. The oldest and wisest of the vampires long ago set forth laws to govern vampires and protect both human and vampires alike. Enforcers were created to enforce these laws, and to protect the vampire and the human race. Today these Enforcers are needed more then ever with the invention of social media and smart phones. 

Noah Blackstone is one of the most lethal and fearless Enforcers alive today in the New York Coven. The Coven is made of a group of Enforcers. Their job is to make sure that no vampire steps out of line and attacks an unwitting human.  Noah and his brothers patrol the city at night, and protect the humans and vampires of the city. Tonight was no different. Hearing the cries of a woman a few blocks over, Noah takes off over to the roof tops making it the few blocks in just moments. A man had a woman pressed up against the alley wall, and she was struggling to get away from her attacker. He jumped down, and made enough noise to draw the vampires attention away from the girl. The vampire turned toward him and dropped his victim to the ground. 

He cursed when he saw the blood all over the other vamps face and the woman lying completely still with blood trickling out of her neck and seeping into the ground. The vamp snarled at Noah and took a protective stance over the woman.

"Come on you stupid, ugly piece of trash." Noah said and motioned for the vamp to come at him. The vampire lunged with a snarl, but missed because Noah was just as fast if not faster than this rouge vampire. He was out of the way before the vampire got off the woman; the vamp was so shocked that he didn't even notice Noah lunge at him with a silver dagger dipped in dead man's blood, one of the only ways to kill a vampire.

The vamp didn't have enough time to blink before the dagger pierced his heart. He had a look of shock on his face then he turned to ash in the next instant. As soon as the vamp was a pile of dust on the floor Noah went over to the woman who was almost dead and covered in her own blood. He could tell she was dying because her heart was slowing very quickly, if he waited too much longer she wouldn't make it. So he did the only thing he could do for her, he took her to a hospital that was close by. It felt like it took him ages to get there and he thanked the gods that when they got there she was still alive, but only just.

He handed her over to the doctor, hoping they would be able to save her. For some reason, he felt that if this woman died, that she would be taking a piece of himself with her. He had no idea why he was so scared for her or why he even cared if she lived or not. He wanted to believe that he cared if she lived, because she was so young and still had a lot of life left to live. However, he knew that he really wanted her to live, not for herself, but for him. He had never felt anything like this before not even with Vanessa. At that moment he really didn't care, he was only focused on the woman that the doctors were taking care of now.

Noah was sure she was very pretty when she was not covered in blood like she was now. Right now she looked pale almost dead. He hovered outside the exam room and listened very intently to the heart beat that was still slowing until it stopped completely. The doctors rushed around as she coded, they tried to get her heart beating again. He had trouble caching his breath for several minutes until he heard her heart beat again.

Noah almost sagged to his knees with the relief that flooded over him; he was so happy that he could have been jumping up and down. After a few moments he got himself together and began to listen to the heart beat of the young woman he had saved. The doctors soon got her stable and stitched up her neck. About an hour later she was moved to her own room, and the doctors and nurse finally left her side. Going into the room a few moments later he was drawn to her side. Sitting down beside her, Noah just listened to her steady breathing and looked at her beautiful face that was now free of blood. After a while he sensed that there was another vampire outside of the hospital. So, very reluctantly he left the hospital to do his job. He promised himself and the woman that he would be back before the night was over to visit his damsel in distress. 


Hello there my Pretties, 

Okay, so this is a story that I have been working on for quite a while. I hope you all enjoy it. Please vote and comment, and let me know what you think. Have a good week my Pretties! 

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