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Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!

I thought I'd share a little story!

Whenever I think about myself in the future, the person I see is "masculine", generally. But not only masculine male.

No matter what I see, what's inside my mind and in my future is a guy, who wants to pursue wrestling, simply because it's the only thing they feel like doing.

I've never felt so in tune with myself. I've never felt so complete with knowing what I want.

I want to inspire. I want to love as nothing but a man. A Trans Man. And that in itself is something that I am more than proud of. 2017 is a year of pride. A year of progression. A year of opportunity. A year of change.

2017 is the year that we can make things better. Not just for the LGBTQ+ community, but for everyone.

We are more than our President. We are more than the bathroom bills. We are more than the mass shootings. We are more than the discrimination. We are more than the prejudice. We are more than the ignorance.

With ignorance comes knowledge.

All of us are strong enough to move past all of these hardships. Change is so close, I can taste it.

As much as it seems like things aren't going well for us, we have to power to speak up when we feel like something is wrong. Do not let anyone take away your voice.



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