reunite silver castle

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Ryuuken knocked on the door, patiently waiting for ruri, who now turned eighteen. He held a present in his hands, a smile on his lips, “ Ryuuken,” ruri smiles at the karate leaguer. She was tall enough to reach his chest, her blonde hair in a ponytail like her father and uncle. “Happy birthday owner,” Ryuuken hums and gives her the present.

“ from everyone and segal,” ruri nods and opens the present. Her hand moves over her mouth, eyes wide in shock, looking down at the present. In the box, was a small to medium, glass silver castle symbol. “ you guys are so sweet,” she gushes with excitement. Ryuuken smiles, and hands her five envelopes, which were from the others of team silver castle. “What are these” she asks him, but ryuuken doesn’t answer, he only smiles at her.

“ read them,” he urges her, and with that she complies. Ruri first opens the green and black letter, it was from mach windy and gold foot.
‘ dear owner
How are you? Foot and i are fine now. The soccer league isn’t so bad, kinda miss everyone though, will be seeing you soon.
Windy and foot’

Small tears had burned her eyes, and ruri soon smiled none the less. She then opens a purple letter, she automatically knew who it was from.
‘ Hi owner
It’s me topjoy, me will be coming to see everybody, hope you won’t mind being a spoiled owner by this leaguer.”
She laughed as she read the letter.

The next one was a red letter, with a bull stamp on the back, from america.
‘ owner
I hope you’re doing well, i know i am. Hope to see you and everyone again.
Bull armor.’

She read the next letter, which was dark blue, from juurouta. ‘ the wind has called us all together, in celebration to who made us whole.’ Ryuuken watched with soft and calm eyes, as his owner began to weep for joy, he was glad that she was happy.

The last letter, had their team's symbol, yet it was light blue. She gasps, tearing open the letter, knowing who it was from.
‘ ruri
It feels good to know things have now changed for our future. Garrett and Gz are fine, and we all can’t wait to see you and the others again.
See you soon

Ruri smiles at ryuuken, “ everyone is coming,” she cries again. Nodding at her outburst, ryuuken hugs the young woman, calming her down.

Dark HeadQuarters

“ sir please understand,” coach kriss attempts to calm girochi, the owner down. But girochi doesn’t listen to him. “ i should have you fired!” he turned to dey. Dey million was the reason he is losing the dark foundation. “ please understand now,” dey hums with a smirk, “ you were a wonderful owner, truly you were. But at this point in time, i think you should retire, permanently.”

Girochi grits his teeth in anger, but sighs in defeat, surrendering his owners key to dey. “ thank you,” dey smiles, revealing perfectly white teeth.

////...Iron Leaguer...////

Silver Castle Compound

“ windy! Foot!” topjoy cries, hugging the two. Both mach windy and gold foot hadn’t changed, they were still striving leaguers, and rivals till the end. “ I’m glad you still haven’t changed TJ,” windy grins at the basketball leaguer. Magnum ace and gold arm arrived with ryuuken and silky, mask right behind them. “ foot, long time no see,” arm grins at his little brother, noticing the gold band around his middle digit. “ you finally asked windy?” mask smirks and foot nods, “ arm did the same with magnum.”

“ it is good to see everyone,” ryuuken smiles. Segal acquired a ballroom for ruri’s birthday everyone, human and leaguer, were having fun. Segal and ruri danced for awhile, wonderful music played, it was perfect. The music suddenly stops, and everyone turns to girochi, “father what’s wrong?” segal asks. Girochi is silent, he doesn’t utter a word, “ owner?” spirits asks. Arrow held his brother, and husband’s hand, looking worriedly at his former employer.

“ my leaguers, i am sorry to say,” girochi pauses, looking at the crowd. “ i must inform you that dark prince is no more, it now has a new owner.” Ruri gasps and segal stares at his father, eyes wide in shock , the party is now quiet.

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