Day 11: Alissa

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I just wanted to put this music because I want to.
Ballora POV:
I wake up at 10am and I see Lucas next to me so I kiss his cheek and take a short shower (down below).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ballora POV:I wake up at 10am and I see Lucas next to me so I kiss his cheek and take a short shower (down below)

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So then I walked to Alissa room and she was up. "Alissa want to go shopping." I said with a huge smile.

"Yea I will love to!" She yelled I covered her mouth to keep to not wake up everyone. So 1hour later I had some food and it was time to go to the mall to shop. So we went in and I when to the place where the thing I want is there. I found the necklace of something special to me (down below).

 I found the necklace of something special to me (down below)

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"What is a Capricorn." She asked but I love this so much and it was apart of my life.

"Capricorn is my Zodiac sign." I said with a smile she nod her head and we pay for it and got more stuff (down below).

I got this.

Alissa got this

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Alissa got this.

Then we got the stuff and put it in the car and when to the house ana I see Lucas and Jake in the living room watching a movie me and Alissa when to are rooms and put the things on the floor

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Then we got the stuff and put it in the car and when to the house ana I see Lucas and Jake in the living room watching a movie me and Alissa when to are rooms and put the things on the floor. I headed downstairs to Lucas to see what they were watching." Hey guys." I said with a huge smile.

"Hey babe." Lucas said I sat in the middle of Lucas and Jake. Then Aj came I jump for the couch and hugged Aj I had miss he I have not seen he in a three weeks."Hey B how are you." He said with a smile.

"Good Aj I have miss you." I said with a huge smile. He nod his head and when back downstairs I when back to the couch then I was tired so I went upstairs and take Lucas with me when me and Lucas were cuddling we both fell asleep I love Lucas so much I want him with me.

I wake up in the middle of the night and I got into my PJ's and I when downstairs to get a  midnight snack then Lucas walked down here and came up to me and started to kiss my neck. "What are you doing Lucas." I quietly.

"I want you so much." He said I nod my head and kiss him passionate and he kiss my back we headed upstairs.

(If you are a kid don't read this part)

Then Lucas when and locked the door and put me on the bed and he takes off his shirt then we kissed again he take off my shirt and started to kiss my neck and when down to my chest. I moan a little but quiet then Lucas unzips my pants then he get a condom from his night stand and unzips his pants." Do you want to do this." He said

"If I didn't I will stop you." I said with a smile he nod his head and put the condom and put it on and when inside me. "L-L-Lucas." I moan then after that he when faster and faster he moans the I I had orgasm and  he did too." Ballora do that tell you that I love you." He said we made eye content I nod my head and then me and Lucas had fell back asleep together.
I know I have not made a chapter in a couple of days but I had school and family.

I hope you like it vote and comment thank you for reading.

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