For Reasons Unknown

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"Tilt your head a bit."

The raspy voice of Y/n rang throughout his studio apartment, gently telling his brown haired model what to do. He put his lead stained hand to his chin, the markings from his pencil smearing slightly onto his olive skin. His dark orbs scrutinized the movement that Camila put into doing his command.

Camila tilted her head to the side in a regal manner, slightly looking out of the window beside her. The girl was currently seated in a chair clothed in nothing but a short, white, cotton bathrobe that was cropped so it skimmed her thighs. She had her legs crossed underneath a small, round table put in front of the large window that overlooked the street by her house. It was almost as if she were taking a shower, and had gotten out of the bath as soon as Y/n had gotten inspiration to draw (this inspiration was somewhat a creation of boredom, for the only object Y/n craved to draw was the Jauregui girl).

Y/n gave his approval, "Yes, like that. Just keep looking like that."

Camila inhaled deeply, then exhaled. Sometimes, she found her being drawn by Y/ completely erotic. Other times, she was really impatient with him and wanted to walk around. Sometimes it was both, which usually resulted in something odd.

Y/n sketched her. He had to get the lines of her arms, legs, neck...everything right, for he was a perfectionist, and settled for nothing that was not accurate or far from the truth.

And he wouldn't lie. Like the one time, early on in their relationship, Y/n drew Camila for the first time, and didn't endow her breasts well, she complained and wondered if she really was flat like that, for she thought she was actually quite gifted.

Y/n had just reassured her, and said he loved her no matter how large certain assets were.

He had his doubts about the love thing now, which pained him because Camila had no clue about his real feelings. And he didn't even know why he didn't feel as strongly about her as he used to.

He inhaled deeply through his mouth, closing his eyes as he did so, and held in the breath for a while.

A flash of green entered his subconscious.

His eyes shot open as he let out his held breath. Was Lauren the reason he was feeling distant from his girlfriend?

No, no. That gap between them had started a while ago for reasons Y/n didn't particularly know of. But with the appearance of the dark haired, green eyed girl that he felt compelled to draw, he felt the gap between them grow.

"Baby." Camila said with as little movement as possible. This process had been going on for quite a long time and her stomach was growling with hunger.

"I'm almost–" The phone rang. "Shit, don't move, Cam."

"Mmhm." Camila replied without moving her lips.

"Hello?" His deep, rich voice said over the phone.

"Hello, Y/n? This is Lauren...Lauren Jauregui."

"Of course." Y/n had to hide his excitement. She called him! The little number trick worked!

"Y/n, I got work!" Camila shouted from her seated position, looking up at the rather large clock that was mounted on the wall behind her.

The artist turned and looked at her, nodding his head that it was okay to get dressed and leave for her work. Camila sighed, relieved, and walked over to him, giving him a peck on the cheek, before walking into the bedroom to get some clothes on.

"Who was that?" Lauren's curious voice asked over the phone.

"My girlfriend."

It grew quiet over the other line.

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