Smells Like Bullshit

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      "Well don't just stand there lookin  shocked and shit hug me." I opened my mouth and closed it a few times before I wrapped my arms around this foreign body.
      "You know I'm not feelin that wack ass hug . No enthusiasm or nothin." She said after releasing me. " Matter of fact we gone try this again and yo Black ass gone hug me like you missed me" she said snarkily. I looked at my best friends face and smiled.  Her dark skin was radiant and her 4B curls were poppin, well as much as they could in her TWA.
   "Kaia I really missed you" I admitted. 
    "Shiit I don't blame you. I would've missed me too" she laughed .
    "C'mere though I gotta catch you up on some tea sis" she announced. Well then. You ain't gotta tell me twice . I pulled her arm inside and closed the door .
      "Chileee and then Marcus told the poor girl that her track was showing in front of everyone in the DMV. I was so embarrassed for the both of them. " Kaia cackled shaking her head in mock disappointment. 
       "That boy is always startin somethin see that's why his Black ass needs a mute button." I tsked shaking my head laughing lightly. Marcus was also a friend of mine, but I hadn't known him as long as Kaia. Kaia and Marcus have no filters, but please do NOT let them be in the same vicinity because chileee feelings will be hurt (not on our end) and fights will break out and nobody got time for none of that.
      "Well what about you girly anything interesting happen lately?" Kaia inquired. I shook my head and sighed
      "No not really.  The same old same old ya know?" I shrugged looking downwards playing with the end of my shirt.
    "Look at me Marshia." Kaia demanded. I felt her peering eyes drilling into my face.
   " Look at me Marshia." She firmly stated. I shook my head rapidly blinking rapidly to steer the tears away.
  "W-what do you want from me?" I whispered. Arms engulfed me and the familiar smell of green tea and shea butter comforted me.
   "Hey hey hey there. I'm here. Okay? I'm here. For you." Kaia cooed as she rocked me back and forth humming some unfamiliar lullaby.  Sobs racked my body as I cried only to cry harder when Kaia hugged me tighter.
    "Oww stop it oww let me goo!" I yelled my voice cracking. Kaias face went from sadness to concern
      "Honey what's wrong?" She asked. I shook my head
         "M-m-my ribs are broken and my w-wrist hurts" I cried. By now I was a blubbering mess as I held my throbbing wrist .
    "Ok ok let's get you to the hospital" she said standing up and grabbing her bag and packing water and snacks. Kaia knew about my situation as well. I actually didn't tell her my story, but she found out one day. In short she was there at the wrong place right time and since then she has been nothing short of respectful even though I see it kills her to watch me live like this.
     The drive to the hospital was silent as I predicted it to be. Kaia knows when not to pry for answers .
   "You know I have to repsect your decision in how you live your life, but this is tiring. You have a choice Marshia . You don't have to live like this.  My parents don't have a problem with taking you in ya know? Look you don't have to say anything because I know you're in pain, but please do something. I can't take this anymore I've been watching this happen for the past 10 years blow after blow. Helping you cover the bruises and black eyes with concealer it's a lot not only for you, but for me too. Not like I have a problem helping you, but come on you're 17 now and you have people here for you." She stated. As I opened my mouth to speak Kaia cut me off and said
    "I've heard the screams." Well damn so much for silence. Kaia walked fast much too fast for my slow ass to keep up with.
    "Kaia slow the fuck down. Damn not everybody got stilts for legs . Shit. " I complained . She gradually slowed down, but once the entrance to the ER came into view Kaia took off .
     What the fuck man?
    "Kaia come back !" I shouted. My ankle was burning and the makeshift crutch she'd made before we'd left was too short and almost made me fall over trying to hold on . Suddenly Kaia came into view and she was not alone . I realized the figure with the gurney was Charles a nurse and next to him was Solia, Kaias mother.
    "Hey bud long time no see." Charles greeted. I nodded and smiled at Charles .
    "Yeah . How ya been Charles?" I asked.
    " Ehh not bad hun just bought my first house " he proudly said.
    "Oh my god ! I am so happy for you. Congratulations. I greeted. "I guess that means sleepovers at your place?"  I asked.  Charles laughed and replied
    "I don't know about that. You stole 6 of my fries when I wasn't looking." He raised his eyebrows for emphasis.
    "Ohh come on. I said so-
   "Why in the world are ya'll talking when Marshia you are injured badly and Charles please just please do what I ask for once without lollygagging." Solia demanded.                  "Marshia get on the gurney now." I nodded my head and allowed Charles and Kaia to guide me onto the gurney.  As I tried to pull my leg over sharp pain in my ribs forced me to lie limply .
  "Marshia honey it'll be okay." Solia gently stroked the top of my head.
  "Uh uh Solia don't touch my hair! Do you not know how few and far in between good braidouts come?" I shrieked. Kaia tsked and shook and head while Charles smirked and rolled his eyes.
    "Come on and push this hiefer in the ER before I send her to the ICU." Solia huffed. The hospital was white and hurt my eyes with its bright lights and faint crying . I don't like the hospital it's connected to prisons and it seems like when you get one illness cured 2 more come right after.
     " Fractured rib, sprained ankle, swollen eye and sprained wrist, with notable head trauma." The doctor listed nodding her head.
    " Marshia I want you to stay here for the time being until your sprains and concussion heal." Dr. Lynn said.
   "Dr. I-  I started
    "She'll stay." Aria interrupted . My head turned quickly to find her pleading eyes . I sighed and shook my head
"I'll stay for a day . I will not fall behind on school work even though the education system is fraud as fuck ." I muttered the last part. Aria smiled as relief and worry were etched upon her features .
     The shower in the hospital more or less made me uncomfortable with the scratchy and rough dressing and being aware that I smelled like old people and sanitizer. As I stepped out I stared at my reflection slightly suprised at my normal appearance. The bruising and swelling of my eye had gone down from when Solia had applied her medicinal herbs given she ambushed me while I was shittin the satisfaction I felt seeing my eye was healing made up for my humiliation.  I limped towards the bed holding on to my IV .
    The intercom pinged letting me know a nurse was on their merry way to check my fluids. The informercials lulled me slowly to sleep with a faint smile on my lips as I dreamed of bathing in chicken nuggets and vanilla milkshakes . The last I heard was the door creek open and a voice ask
       "Sweetie are you okay? I'm just he-
  The rest was cut off as I began  stuffing my face with donuts and running naked towards the chocolate lake.

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