Chapter Ten

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Monica bursts out her dressing room ''i can't do this!! have you ever seen me this stressed? don't awnser that''

''Mon, calm down'' Rachel says

''I haven't spoken to chandler in nearly 12 years and now i'm flying to the other side of the country to see him, maybe if he hadn't sent me so insane we would still be married'' Monica paces

Madison comes in the room ''Dad will meet us at the st laurels hotel in downtown manhatten at 12''

''Great, did he says anything about seeing us?'' Monica asks

''He's excited'' Madison re assures

''Okay, thanks'' Monica sighs

Madison leaves the room and ross follows her

''Liar Liar pants on fire!!'' Ross whispers

''Shut up!!'' Madison whispers back, truth be told, Chandler had no idea they were coming, just Jasmine

Ross returns back into the room

''Guys, Ross, Rachel, I don't know what I'm asking here but can't'' Monica starts

''One of us join you on your trip?'' Ross looks at Rachel

''I would be delighted to'' Rachel smiles, she walks into Monica's wardrobe ''and if it was me seeing my ex after 12 years'' she returns with a red skater dress with spaghetti straps ''I'd wear this bad boy''

Monica sighs with relief ''great''

(30 minutes later)

Madison leaves the house wearing jeans, a t shirt and a leather jacket, she puts her sun glasses on ''lets rock and roll'' she gets in the car

''Don't find someone else and leave me while you're gone, okay?'' Ross says to Rachel

''Not promising anything'' Rachel jokes and kisses Ross ''see you when we get back'' she put her suitcase in the back of the car and joins Madison

Monica emerges from the house in a trench coat and rollers in ''long flight ahead and I'm stressed''

Ross chuckles slightly and kisses Monica on the cheek ''it's gonna be fine, see you when you get home'' he smiles

Monica nods and smiles at Ross ''yeah, okay, see you when I'm home'' she gets in the car with Madison and Rachel and they set off


Jasmine is waiting around in a summer dress ready to leave for the hotel

Chandler and Kathrine emerge from the kitchen

''Ready to go?'' Kathrine asks

''Mmm'' Jasmine mumbles and runs to the car

Chandler sighs ''I'm sorry, she's just not finding this easy'' he says to Kathrine

Kathrine rubs Chandlers arm ''it's fine, lets go''

They leave


Monica climbs out of the taxi and tumbles a bit, she downs one of the small vodkas and throws the bottle behind her which Madison swiftly catches

''Lets do this'' Monica walks into the hotel

''Oh god, she's drunk, this could get interesting'' Madison says as her and Rachel follow Monica


Jasmine sighs as her and Phoebe wait for Chandler and Katherine to check in

''Be. Nice'' Phoebe whispers as they stand in the lift

Chandler and Katherine get checked in and go to wait for the lift

Jasmine spots Madison walking in ''I'll see you in a bit phoebe'' she runs out the lift

Monica walks up to the desk and gets checked in

''MADDIE!!'' Jasmine yells

''JASMINE!!'' Madison yells back

They run and hug ''I've missed you so much'' Madison says

''It's only been a few weeks'' Jasmine laughs

''Oh you know what I mean'' Madison smiles back

Monica heads over to wait for the lift and she sees its closing on Katherine and Chandler making out, Chandler spots Monica and stares at her stunned, Monica just helplessly waves and smiles as the lift door shuts

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