Who Would Have Thought?

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"Aaaand... done!" Alice cheered, sighing in relief as she leant back on her black, metal framed bed. She had finally uploaded a new video and she couldn't wait for the response of her followers. After her Killing Stalking - Meant to be Yours CMV her channel and gotten a fair number of new followers, of course she embraced this with no complaints. After all, now she has more followers she has more people viewing her live streams which always makes things fun. Especially when she decides to surprise live streams as Sangwoo or Yoonbum.

Alice laughed slightly, remembering all the times people would ask her weird questions, or spam the chat with things to trigger Sangwoo, just to see her freak out. 'Good times, good times...' Alice smiled softly. She sat there for what seemed like a few minutes, nostalgia suffocating her with warmth as she glanced around her room, catching glimpses of different things she's used in videos.

As she glanced around dazily, her eyes caught sight of the clock in the bottom corner of her laptop. "What the shit?" Alice exclaimed, had half an hour really gone by? 'It's amazing how far you can get lost in your mind sometimes. Amazing, yet very much annoying.'

Alice stood up and went on with her day, she had a few ideas she wanted to film and made sure to note them down secretly as she did her school work. Looking down as her paper she sighed, "This is going to be a long day..."

*Time Skip- because I wanna get this done so I can make you freak out <3*

Later that day Alice arrived home, she kicked off her shoes tiredly and collapsed onto the couch. She laid there for a few moments before sitting up sluggishly, today had been a particularly hard day and so she was left even more tired than usual.

The slow, sluggish atmosphere was cut when a loud ping erupted, vibrating against the fabric of her bag and sending rumbling through the couch. When the silence was cut by another loud noise, Alice jumped slightly. The pinging began to build up tempo as more and more of them came in.Her brown orbs widened in alert, once it had processed that the noise was in fact her phone, her eyes pooled with curiosity and she reached blindly into her bag, fumbling around in her bag. It didn't take long before her hands found her overly large phone case and pulled out her phone.

It took her a moment before she realised where the notification came from and fumbled about on her phone and opened up twitter. She frowned in confusion and intrest as the feed loaded. She didn't understand why her phone went off, she always got notifications from Twitter, but she couldn't understand why her phone was pinging so much. The feed eventually loaded and instantly tapping the 'notification' bell at the top Alice was bombarded with a page full of "so and so liked a tweet you're mentioned in!"s and "so and so mentioned you in a tweet"s. So many came through that Alice had to click through a small feed of tweets to find the source of the phone massacre easier.

Finally, after clicking through a few of the reply tweets Alice finally found the culprit, though once she did everything stopped. Her breathing, the wind outside, even the deafening sound of silence itself had stopped. Just paused. Everything but her heart beat which seemed to have absorbed the movement of everything around it and used it to pump itself faster. Wide brown eyes stared down at the bright blue-tinted screen. Awe. Shock. Rush. Alice was flooded with so many emotions but couldn't process a single one.

All she could do was sit and gape down at her phone. She hadn't the time to even squeal at that moment.

Three minutes passed before she could even move, once she did her shaking hands dropped her phone which landed with a soft thud thud beside her. Jumping off the couch she screamed, thankful no one was home at this moment as she threw herself on and off the couch in her fangirl spasms, her arms tensed and trembled. Hands gripping at the soft brown locks as she squealed into her palms.

Alice continued to scream before she finally realised fully what was happened and pounced at her phone, laying half on and half off the couch, she held the phone up with trembling hands and read the tweet over and over. Looking for any sign this was a mistake or a joke. Maybe she misread the user?

Nope. It was all there. This was real. This was happening. It was intentional.

" TheAlchemicFox

Hi @wtvcosplay, lots of our followers told me to check out your channel, you're crazy talented! I've followed you so we can talk collab? "

Short, clearly due to Twitters annoyingly short character amount, though it was evident what was happening.

"Fox... Collab... With me... ?"

Alice couldn't manage much else before screaming again, she even slipped a few happy tears. She was in complete shock. Just as she thought nothing could break her further, her twitter beeped.

A new message.

Faster than she could think, Alice hit the message icon at the top and waited impatiently for the messages to load up, squirming slightly cursing at her phone to hurry up. Once it finally did, she was left frozen in her spot.


Heehee, yes I'm leaving it there! I'm sorry if this chapter sucked. It's like 3am and my writing probably sucks right now, hopefully it'll be better during the day! Hope you like it ^.^ I'll update as soon as possible. Also sorry for any typos!

Love you~ ;)

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