That Something So Unreal

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Hey WhateverCosplay! How are you?"

The screen read, it took Alice several attempts to read it due to their shaking hands and teary eyes. Once they finally made sense of the message they quickly typed a reply, hastily tapping buttons more forcefully than intended. They typed several replies, each time erasing them in fear of how they sounded.

"Hi Fox! I'm good, and you?" Too casual.

"Hello, I'm well thanks, how are you?" Too formal.

"Hi, I'm okay, you?" Too dull.

"Hello! I'm really great, thanks for asking. How are you?" Too perky.

Alice eventually groaned, why must this be so damn hard?

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw..." Alice muttered, deciding 'fuck it' and just typed a reply.

"Hello Fox, I'm good thank you. How are you?" Before they could even think about how it sounded they hit the send button. They figured it would be a good idea, this way they wasn't going to take an hour replying and make themselves look ignorant. However, as soon as Alice pressed send and placed their phone down to await their reply, their mind instantly went into panic mode.

"SHIT!! What if I sound stupid? Oh God do I sound too forward? Wait do I sound rude? Maybe she'll think I don't want to talk to her? Ooooh goshh!" Alice whinned, even going as far to whimper and pout dramatically, as if to prove a point to herself. Even though she had stopped talking in order to hold her pout, her mind still raced.

'I'm surprised to messaged me,  people ask her to check people out all the time. So why me? Oh gosh does she know I'm a fan? Wait... shouldn't that put her off? DOES SHE HATE ME? Oh God she probably hates me-' Alice's thoughts were cut short when the screen shifted upwards with a slight glitch. A message bubble pushing theirs upwards with a repelling force as Fox replied.

"Well shit." Was all Alice cold muster, pulling themselves off the ground shakily and flopping back onto the couch.

Alice couldn't help but feel jittery, sick even. Don't get them wrong, they were so incredibly happy to have this happen. Though they just couldn't understand why!

Twiddling their thumbs and biting their lip, Alice sat with their legs crossed, watching their phone nervously. If Alice wasn't so nervous they would have been laughing at how weird they were acting. However in this moment it didn't matter, nothing mattered but that second when their phone glitched slightly once again, message bubble extending as the reply appeared.

The message seemed to pop up so suddenly, coming from no where and making itself known. Due to Alice being so hypersensitive in their moments of "I'm fangirling so hard I don't know whether to cry, scream or throw up" their eyes immediately snapped back into focus, picking up the message instantly.

" TheAlchemicFox

I'm good too! I've gotten quite the number of messages asking me to check out your channel and I'm actually glad. You're videos are amazing, not to mention your acting!! "

"Kill me... Kill me now..." Alice rasped out. Fox liked them? Fox thought that they were amazing? Ohhh no, no, no, no! Wasn't this backwards? This should surely have happened the other way around right?

Alice muttered to themselves, as if it would help them comprehend the situation, which of course it didn't. The deep, shaky breaths however did do something to calm Alice's nerves slightly thus letting them pick up their phone. Their thumbs danced around the keyboard as she pondered her reply.

" Thank you so much! Coming from you that really means a lot to me.

I also really like your acting, not too mention your creativity, some of the things you come up are too good! "

Alice typed, declaring 'fuck it' and throwing a laughing emoji at the end. Once again they pressed send before they started fretting. Even if they knew they'd scream at themselves just as they had earlier, they also knew it was the best option.

Alice couldn't even let themselves read their own message, not wanting to pick it apart. After all, it would only make them cry.

They did however, shift uncomfortably as they waited.

'Is it just me or... Is it taking a long time to reply? I don't expect her to reply but she's seen it... Oh shit. Did I mess up? What did I even send? I bet it sounded stupid...'

Alice proceeded to smack their palm into their forehead, muttering stupid to themselves. They sat there for what felt like forever and their phone had since automatically locked itself.

When their phone pinged Alice jumped, her hand snatching it up before she could stop herself and punching in the password.

Brown eyes lit up in a mix of excitement and eagerness, racing along the bright screen, searching for the end in anticipation.

"I fucked up..."

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