Chapter 17

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A/n men could get pregnant but it's like altra rare. Carry on

Four months pregnant

The cravings don't stop. I'm constantly wanting either candy, chicken nuggets or a spinach wrap from the local bakery/diner. Luckily I have shawn who can drive and get me food. I'm really embarrassed to go in public. I'm starting to show and only a couple of people really notice and they just shrug it off but I know soon people won't shrug it off. I've read book and articles and I'm not the only boy who got pregnant but it's still not normal. I'm knocked out of my thoughts by Shawn walking in the room handing me my chicken nuggets and sweet tea. "Here you go buddy. How you feeling?" I smile at him and dig in. "I'm doing alright. Thanks for the three am run again." He smiles at me "no problem I was up anyways waiting for Taylor. He went to a party and is suppose to be back by four-"

Shawns' interrupted by none other than Taylor Michael Caniff himself. The person who ruined my life just because he couldn't handle the "grossness" of me and Cam together. Me and him are on okay term but I will forever blame him for the reason Cameron is in jail.  Taylor is clearly drunk and shawn is here again having to look after him while he is in this state then in the morning both of us are usually awaken by Taylors wonderful aftermath of being shit drunk. He is usually in a pissy mood and is either throwing up or getting mad. One time I was getting chips and he blew up on me for making too much noice and of course being pregnant I was even more emotional so that didn't help.
"Taylor come on let's get you to bed "
"Bitch whaaaaat nooor let's have an after partyyyyy. Yeeee haaaaw"
Shawn just laughs and continues trying to get Taylor to bed.
"No come on Taylor I already have to deal with you in the morning let's all go to bed. Goodnight Nash"
"Good night Shawn"
I finish my chicken nuggets and head up to bed. As I lay down I can't help but think about the babies. If they'll look like Cam or me or both of us. I have a sonogram appointment tomorrow and I'm finding out all three genders I really want girls but I want a boy so let's hope for two girls and one boy. I fall asleep thinking of the bundle of joys in my stomach.

Sorry for slow updates. I have a new book out called Peter Pan. I know y'all are probably thinking "why is she having another book when she can't keep up with one" well idek but have a good day see ya later byyyyea

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