The greatest stories always start at the ending

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Jasmine's POV

"Ace put the fucking gun down ! " I scream at him as I look over to see a bleeding Damian lying motion less on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding him

"No !" Ace yells

"Why do you want to kill him so bad its not like you want to be your father ! "

" No ! You just don't understand Jasmine ! "

"Understand what ? "

"That I'm deeply in love with you !!! "

Silence is what was heard after that line escaped his cold lips . Ace Jack Quinn aka son of the Joker and Harley was deeply in love with me and I never knew it . All this time I was telling him how I think I found the love of my life and he had to hear it and watch how excited I got over the smallest details about my soulmate . Little did I know that I was just breaking Ace's heart more and more ...

"You can't be in love with Ace were like siblings" I say quietly

"No ... I have been in love with you since we first met you were always so cocky and sassy . I think that's what I loved the most ."

"In fact I have always wonder what it would feel like ... to kiss you " He continues

Pretty soon he starts to move toward me and the only thing running through my mind is to get Damian the hell out of here . So I had no choice but to quickly come up with the amazing escape plan .. ( notice my sarcastic tone )

"Your right Ace ... I think ... that I just might ... love you too ...." I said seductively while moving toward Ace and wrapping my hands around his neck

"How do I know to trust you Jasmine ? I mean you have broken my heart and trust once before " He said trying to move my hands away from his neck

"Would I lie to you about something as deep as love ? " I question him while holding his neck harder

Yes , yes I would ! Mainly if it meant to save Damian !

"No , no of course you wouldn't ! I'm sorry this whole thing has been messing with my head " He said running his hands through his black and green hair

"Yes now give me the gun so I can get rid of this trash I dated " I say trying to sound disgusted

"OK " He says completely mesmerized by my voice and eyes

As Ace slowly hands me the gun . I see Damian start to wake up . Show time .

"Ace you have to forgive me for this ! "

"Forgive you for wha-"

I quickly shove me knee into his stomach causing him to stumble but not fall down .

"Dammit your making this harder than it has to be !! " I scream at him

" I'm not as weak as I used to be ! " Ace slowly says as he lunges for me

I quickly duck his lung but I wasn't fast enough to catch his punch at my face . Ace doesn't seem like he wants to hold back on me so I don't why I should hold back on him . I try to back kick him in the face but he grabs my leg and throws me into the wall . *Crunch* Pain shot up my body yep well I broke a bone .

"You see what happens when people piss me off and make me angry ? "

I try to limp away from Ace but he grabs my injured leg and squeezes it which causes me to let out a loud whimper and scream .

My Demons ( Damian Wayne X OC : Interracial ) Where stories live. Discover now