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Mom ended up making an appointment, it was the weekend and I didn't have school so we ended up going pretty early in the morning.
I still really didn't want to do this. I was wasting my only time in sanctuary away from school at this place, because of a damn recurring nightmare about my past that I can't forget.

Maybe it was a good thing then; can just a person really help me sleep and forget? And even more importantly let me be me?
I sat in a chair in the lobby, struggling to stay awake from the two nights of constant nightmares.

"Mr. Sola," A woman said, "Chris is ready to see you."

"Okay," I said while yawning.

"Follow me." She instructed while giggling at my drowsiness.

She lead me to a door in what seemed to be an endless, winding hallway. It was probably hallucinations from my lack of sleep, but all the same it was confusing.

She opened the door, a man sitting at a desk furiously typing looked up.
"Thank you, Mary." He said while standing.
The woman just smiled and closed the door.

"Hey," He said as he shook my hand, "I'm Chris and it looks like I'm your mentor."

"H-Hi," I mumbled shyly. I'm not going to deny it, he looked hot. He certainly didn't look like a mentor either: he had long black hair, a multitude of tattoos, he wore dark eyeliner, and though professionally dressed he overall, looked goth.

"You can sit down if you want." He stated as he took his seat.

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled before sitting in the chair across from his.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself," He stated, "I know it's going to be a bit hard since I'm a mere stranger to you so I'll tell you stuff about myself first.
"Obviously you already know my name, I'm 26 years old, I'm from Pennsylvania, and I volunteer here for college credits."

"M-My name is Devin and I'm 18, a senior in High School, and I'm going to graduate next month." I explained while fidgeting.

"Have any plans for after High School?" He asked before cradling his head in his hands.

"I want to make music." I answered quietly.

"Any particular instruments you're good at playing?" He inquired.

"I like to play bass." I mumbled.

"Neat," He said, "On another note, why did you come here? You don't seem to have any problems, just quite shy."

"My mom made me come here." I answered.

"Do you mind me asking why she made you come?" He questioned me.

"Well sir, I've been having recurring nightmares about being raped by my father. I-It a-actually happened, but it keeps manifesting as nightmares. And my mom thinks this place will help with this and my gender identity." I explained the best I could.

"You've come to the right place then, I'm going to try to help you with both of these situations." He said reassuringly.

"Alright, thank you." I whispered.

"Well, it looks like we're a little short on time," He stated, "If you need to talk outside of meeting times here's my email and number." He slipped me a piece of paper with his information written down on it.

"Okay," I replied, still quiet tired.

"Have a nice day, Devin." He said while walking with me back to the lobby.

"How did it go, honey?" Mom asked

"We just introduced each other and talked about school, I wanted him to be comfortable talking with me before we dive into the problems he's going through." Chris explained.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Thank you, Chris. I think this will really help him." She said while shaking his hand.

"You're welcome," He replied. "By the way I gave him my information so you can contact me if you have any questions."

"Alright, we will. Have a nice day." She replied before we made our way back to our car.

"He seemed cute, didn't he Devin?" She asked.

I hid my face to conceal my blush, "Yeah, and he was really nice."

"See? It wasn't that bad." She stated as she started to drive.

"I know, I just would rather be at home watching TV." I said while sighing.

"I think we all would rather." She replied while giggling.

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