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(Devin's P.O.V.)

We were sitting in the hospital at Chris's side. He had just fallen asleep after I had explained that we needed to find a way to turn my dad in. They must have drugged him up real nice because he wasn't making sense when he spoke.

I think he got the point of what I was trying to explain to him though. He just couldn't put his ideas into words at the moment.

I sighed, hugging Kuza. "We should go." I whispered.

He nodded, taking my hand as we walked out of the room together. "I don't know what to fucking do anymore." I whimpered.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Chris is my rock, I need him to help me and he can't because he's all hopped up on hospital drugs." I said.

"He needs rest. Let me help you, please." Mike begged.

"What can you do?" I asked.

"I can try to plant something on him." He stated.

"How's that gonna do anything?" I mumbled.

"Chris has all sorts of drugs, all I have to do is ask and he'll give me some. If your dad is on probation or escaped it will be a lot worse if he gets sent back to prison." He explained.

"What are you going to do once you planted shit on him, besides aren't you just going to owe Chris more?" I remarked.

"I'll call the cops claiming he's a friend that went back to his old ways and he needs to stop. Plus what's one more blow job?" He said.

"How are the cops even gonna find my dad?" I asked.

"Well," He started as he swung our hands. "I'll just set him up. Just don't worry about it, everything will turn out fine."

"Fine, but you better be right." I mumbled as I unlocked the door to my house.

"What did you want to do tonight?" He asked.

"Wait until Chris is done tripping balls and call him to ask him where he keeps his drugs." I mumbled.

"We can always search his apartment first." He suggested.

"Won't that piss him off?" I asked.

"Yeah, but he'll be happier to know that you're safe." He said.

I huffed, he had a good point. I locked back up and we made our way to Chris's apartment.

Kuza growled, kicking at Chris's door when he found that it was locked.

"Didn't he give you a key or something?" I asked.

"No." He grunted.

"He probably keeps it under the mat." I said, pushing Mike aside to lift it up.
I chuckled when I found what I was looking for.

"See?" I said, dangling the key in front of his face.

He sighed, "Just get the door open." He mumbled.

I opened the door cautiously, jumping when Mike finally spoke up, "It's not like there's exploding mummies lying around, just go inside."

"'Exploding mummies'? What the hell are you smoking." I said, turning to look back at him.

"Apparently you don't play enough video games." He mumbled as he followed me inside.

"Alright," I said before closing the door. "If you were Chris where would you keep your stash?"

"Under the bed, probably." He said.

I peeked under the bed, there was nothing but cobwebs and a few old newspapers. "Nothing." I announced.

"What about under the mattress?" He suggested.

"Maybe, but you're going to have to help me lift it." I said as I started to pull the bed upwards.

Kuza moved beside me and finished lifting it up. "There's literally nothing here. What if some idiot found the key and robbed him dry?" He asked.

"Why would they just take the drugs then and not the computer or the TV too then?" I remarked.

"I don't know, let's just try looking through the dresser and if there's nothing, we'll then plan B..." His voice trailed off.

"What's plan B?" I asked.

"That's the problem. I don't know." He stated.

Great, I sighed before I started digging through his underwear drawer. "Won't he be pissed if he finds out that you've been going through his unmentionables?" He asked.

"It's not like everyone else doesn't wear underwear," I said. "Besides I don't think I'm going to see any bras or panties anytime soon."

"Yeah, only you would say that." He scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

I ignored him, pulling out a baggie I said, "Is this it? It's just pills, does he need them or something?"

"No, those are some of the drugs alright." He said while looking at the contents of the bag.

"Then let's go." I said.

We locked up, I took the spare with me just in case someone saw us and thought about using the key to break in later.

I tried to remain calm as we walked back to my house, I swear there were more cops out than usual tonight and I definitely didn't want to get caught with drugs.

"I just feel weird doing this without Chris," Kuza mumbled out of the blue. "He's usually the brains in all these situations."

"When we get back to my place I'll call him. He's probably awake and lucid now and he should know when he's getting out by now." I said.

"What happens if he finds out about the drugs?" He asked.

"I'll tell him it was my idea." I answered.

"But wait a second," I started. "You guys have done stuff like this before?"

"Yeah, Chris is the brains and I'm the brawn." He stated.

"Hmm, yeah. I could see how that would work out. You did come up with a creative plan without Chris though." I said.

"I try my best," He replied. "So we'll stick to the plan unless Chris makes some fixes to it when you call him."

"Yeah, that sounds about right." I said, pulling out my phone once we walked in the door.

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