Chapter 2 - His Brothers

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"Dude, is she gonna wake up?"

"Mikey, shut it! Just let her rest."

You groaned and slowly opened you eyes, seeing two baby blue ones stare right back at you. In front of you stood a...turtle??

"The dudette lives!!"

"MIKEY!" He was suddenly whacked in the back of the head by one of the other turtles .

You looked at them with wide eyes, staring in wonderment as the memories of last night came flooding back to her.

The taller turtle with a purple mask knelt in front of her, examining the bandage on your head wound.

"Ignore him," He muttered, "Mikey's just a bit excited about meeting another human. I'm Donatello by the way, and this is Leo" he waved a finger towards the turtle in blue, "I'm assuming you know who Mikey is by now, and Ralph is the one who found you."

"W-what happened last night?" You asked as your hand gingerly touched the bandage.

Ralph raised an eyebrow, "Don't you remember? You passed out about halfway here, so I had to carry you the rest of the way."

A slight pink blush rose up on your cheeks, "O-oh, I'm sorry."

Donatello continued to examine her eyes, "Hmm...(y/n), were your eyes always like this?"

"Like what?"

"Look." He held up a small mirror. You peered into it, seeing that everything appeared to be normal.

"So? I don't see anything different..."

"Look at your eyes."

You glanced again and gasped. Your left eye was now a bright blue, while the right had remained the soft (e/c).

"Th-they weren't like that before," You stuttered.

"It could be a possible side effect of whatever they used to experiment on you...Ralph mentioned that you had been kidnapped by the Kraang and escaped." Donatello pulled out his notebook, "Did you happen to catch what they were saying about you?"

You quickly shook your head, "No...and I don't want to know...I don't even want to remember what happened. Th-that place was awful..."

Leo furrowed his brow, "Exactly how long were you gone?"

"It's been almost five months now..."

Donatello raised an eyebrow, "You were still able to escape after that long? Amazing...But there's no doubt that they'll be looking for you again. You were obviously a prime subject since you were able to maintain normalacy for so'll be a huge target for them."

You bit your lip, "I-I can't go back...N-not after finally being free..."

Ralph examined you, seeing that girl in front of him was truly terrified of whatever went on in that lab. You had sunkissed (h/c) hair that was currently in a tangled mess, along with (s/c) skin and a scar running alongside your right cheekbone. Your eyes were wide with fear as they talked about the Kraang coming after your...To think that the slimly aliens would try to harm someone as innocent as you made him furious...He always wanted to pound all of them into the ground, but now more than ever.

The muscled turtle grunted and headed towards the door, "Whatever."

You glanced his way, watching him leave.

Leo sighed, "Ignore him...he's not one for feeling emotion."

"Will they find us here?" You squeaked out.

"As long as our place is kept a secret, no."

You nodded and slowly took off your half glover as your hand trembled slightly before you. It seemed that your body had finally caught up to you, and your mind was beginning to wrap around what really happened.

Donatello continued to examine the frightened girl before him, "Don't're completely safe with us..."

"You promise?"

Leo chuckled, "Promise."

"And cross my heart!" Mikey added, doing the motion across his chest.

You gave a nervous smile, showing hints of your pearly white teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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