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Your POV

I sat on the park bench reading The Fault in our Stars and watching my best friend Niall play football with Harry.

Is it crazy that I think he is cute, I mean blue eyes , blonde hair , perfect dimples.

He is gorgeous, but the problem is that he's my best friend, I've known him for years, I'm not sure if he sees me the same way.

I know this is like so cliché but it is impossible to not fall in love with a person that has a great sense of humor, is caring, protective of loved ones and all around amazing.

Why can't life be a fairytale?

Why can't you write your own life?

I'll tell you why, because destiny is a bitch. It's all up in your face.

I mean look at Hazel and Augustus even though they have cancer they end up together and the seemed happy till cancer got the best of them but they we're happy, you know why, because John Green wrote their lives.

So here I am sitting here so deep in my thoughts that I didn't see a football flying towards me and it hit me on the head.

"Ow!" I said.

"(Y/N) I am so sorry!" Niall shouted.

"It's fine I guess I was paying attention." I said.

"Yeah you were really into to that book." he said.

"What book?" I asked then I realised what he meant.

"Oh this book, yeah, really really interesting." I said nervously.

"Well Harry and I just finished our game, so you wanna head home?" he asked.

"Sure." I said.

Niall packed up his stuff and we headed home.

Just then it started to rain.

I was actually quite happy because I loved the rain.

I reached out and felt the rain drops one my hand, then I looked up to the sky and let the water splash on my face.

When I opened my eyes I saw Niall staring at me.

I looked into his eyes and he looked in to mine, slowly he started leaning in and I did the same.

We were on inch apart,  I could feel Niall's hot breath on my lips, finally he closed the gap in between our lips and kissed me. Our lips moved in sync.

The kiss was soft and tender and filled with passion.

Sparks flew everywhere.

Finally we pulled apart and just stared at each other, our foreheads resting on each other.

"Listen (Y/N) I have a huge crush on you and I have for a while now, they only reason I didn't tell you is 'cause I didn't know how you felt. Then when it started raining you looked so pretty with the rain drops in your hair I had to. I needed to know what your lips felt like and what I would be like if I kissed you." he said.

You stood there speechless. "I understand of you don't feel the same wa-..." I interrupted him with another kiss.

"Niall I had a crush on you since primary school. I just never told you because I thought you didn't feel the same way." I said.

"But I do (Y/N). I have loved you since we were young. (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) will you please be my princess?" he said.

"Yes, yes, yes." I squeal jumping in his arms.
We kissed again an it was even better than the first.

"I promise that you'll never regret this choice. Now let's go before you get sick. " he said.

Life was perfect.

Maybe destiny ain't a bitch after all.


Hey my little Clawsomers. So I know this imagine is short but it is really sweet.

I just wanna give a shout out to @Hiitsmichelle her books really inspired me so check out her books it's really good.

Love you Michelle *in a non-lesbo way*


LUV YA 😘😘😘😘😘

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