Periods and Boyfriends

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You are sound asleep with Niall, your boyfriend of 2 and a half years next to you.

Suddenly you feel a sharp pain strike your stomach, instantly walking you up.

You cluch your stomach and try to hold back a sob because you don't want to wake Niall.

You try and wiggle your way out of his arms, but his grip is two strong.

The pain becomes more intense and now you have tears streaming down your face.

You try to remove Niall's arms from around you waist, after much effort you do but during that process, you wake him up.

"Princess? We are you going? " he asks in a cute little sleepy voice.

"J-just to the toilet, I won't be long. " you try to hide your pain, he doesn't seem to notice, he nods his head and goes back to sleep.

You make you way to the toilet to dp your business, as you wipe, nothing.

That always happens to you, when ever your period is gonna comes you get cramps the day before, horrible cramps.

You flush and wash your hands, you walk out and see Niall sound asleep, you walk out the door and into the kitchen to get some pain medication.

Finally you find it after a long processing of hitting your toe on the chair, almost tripping with the blanket you left out the previous movie night and also cursing because the light was to bright, you get the meds.

You remove two of the circular white pills from the bottle and make a cup of tea for you aching tummy.

Once the kettle starts to lightly scream, you prepare the tea and take your pills.

Knowing that you won't be able to get some sleep, you switch off the light in the kitchen and make your way to the lounge and switch on the TV, you see the movie The Fault In Our Stars and decide to watch it.

Crying and sipping your tea, you feel a hands on your shoulder which makes you jump, an enormous amount of the brown hot liquid soaks into you shirt making you scream out in pain.

"Baby! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! " Niall voice apologises.

You ignore him and remove you shirt that is burning you, sure enough you see a huge red Mark on the left side of your stomach.

"Shit, princess. I'm so sorry, let's get that cleaned! " his voice is frantic.

He gentally picks you up, being careful not to touch the side that is hurt and he takes you into the bathroom.

He frantically apologises as he hears you cry in pain.

He set you on the sink and walks out going to fetch the First Aid kit.

Once he comes back, he applies a cream onto the burnt area and wraps it up in a bandages to prevent any bacteria from getting to it.

"It hurts Ni, make it stop. " you cry, he kisses away your tears away before leaving a lingering kiss on your lips.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to. "

"Its ok, I just got scared. " you say.

He picks you uo again and takes you into the bedroom, he lays you on Thebes and takes his guitar from the Conner of the room and starts playing a familiar tune, his angelic voice filling the room.

You feel you eyes getting heavier and heavier and soon shut.

Niall puts down his guitar and kisses you on the forehead and he wraps his arms losely around you so you don't get hurt.

You fall into a deep sleep with you favourite person by you side.

Yay! Niall Horan Imagines are back!!! I want to thank hendrixg for inspiring me to write again!!!

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