Chapter 4 ~ Are you Frecken Kidding Me!?

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My alarm rings at 7:30 so then I can get myself ready and not be in a grumpy mood for the twins. I roll and tumble out of my bed and crawl my way over to my closet and get myself up off the floor. I pick out a pair of blue jeans with a cut out of each knee a light pink crop top and a light pink cropped hoodie. I open the door to my bathroom and have a quick shower so then I don't stink. When i get out I get changed and i decided to leave my hair kinda natural because it actually looked decent for once. I go down stairs just as my mum woke up so I decided to make scrambled eggs for mum and I. After breakfast I went back upstairs to brush my teeth and put on a little bit natural makeup. I looked over at the time and it was only 8:10, we still had a little bit until we had to leave for the airport so I decided to check instagram. Before I do anything else I straight onto Marcus & Martinus' page to see if they have posted anything and to my surprise there were 2. One was a selfie and the second one was of the at the airport with the caption "can't wait for this super surprise..." I wonder where they are going? I just assumed that they would be going to some like Slovakia or maybe even the USA because why would they want to come to Australia. "Come on Kalani we're gonna be late!" mum shouts from down stairs. I quickly grab out one of my caps and go down stairs and put on my pair of holographic adidas'.

~Skip the drive to airport~
We had just arrived at the airport and I was just about to take off my seatbelt when mum stopped me, "I want you to wait here." she said as she pulled a folder put from the back. I wasn't really fussed because the means that I could spend more time on my phone and listening to my music. I go onto instagram to see that Marcus & Martinus have updated their story saying that they have landed at a secret place. "OMG i wanna be with them right now." I whisper to myself. I continue scrolling through instagram for about 20 minutes when mum comes back. I didn't bother looking up just yet, not until we started driving off. I got a snapchat from My best friend Janisa saying that Marcus & Martinus were in Australia. I started to freak out on the inside so that's when I decided to looks up and introduce myself to the twins. I turn my head and look back to the one and only Marcus & Martinus and start to freak out even more. "H hi." is what i just managed to say. My mum and the twins all start to laugh at me. "Mum you knew and you didn't tell me!?" she continues to laugh even harder. "Of course, I'm just surprised you didn't find out earlier." "Wow thanks mum" I say not exactly mad but to happy but i try not to show it. The twins and continue to talk until we got home. (well I try to talk anyway) when we get inside the house I show the boys to their room. Before they came I wasn't really open about there being a connecting door to our rooms but now I'm happy because now I can just be with them all the time. (Ok that just sounds really weird and stalkerish but you get what I mean)
Soon mum leaves for work and then it'll just be me and the twins! (Screaming in my head rn)
Sorry for the short chapter and the long wait❣️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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