Chapter 2 ~ getting back on track

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The next morning was quite different but I liked it, there was no yelling, no swearing, just peace. I woke up to the smell of delicious pancakes in the morning, they smelt so good I just had to jump out and eat them as soon as i could even though I'm not a morning person, I have the worst morning mood in the history of bad morning moods. I kept telling myself that it was pancakes and that I better move faster but it didn't really work, i still struggled to find the end of the bed before falling out of it and onto the cold floor. I hit the floor kinda hard which woke me up enough to get myself off the floor and wobble over to my door which was beautifully covered in pictures of my two favourite people in the world Marcus & Martinus. They gave me the confidence and energy to get me through the day. I gently opened my door and wobbled over the the staircase, i grab a tight grip onto rail so i don't fall down, as i approyach the the last few steps i see my mother placing my pancakes on the table giving me an assuring smile. As I reach the table she pulls out my chair and kisses me on my forehead. I all of a sudden feel more awake as I see the pile of delicious pancakes sitting in front of me I couldn't wait any longer I just had to engulf them into my mouth, and man it felt good. I was giving 3 pancakes because I don't eat very much especially in the mornings but I only ended up eating ½ before my stomach started hurting. After breakfast I head back up to my room and get ready for the interesting day ahead. Thanks goodness it's the last week of winter uniform I absolutely hate it. I pull out my polo top, my skirt, my tights, my jumper and my tie and chuck it all onto my bed as I go grab my underwear and stuff like that. Like every morning I pick up my pile of horribleness (my uniform) and walk over into my lovely heated bathroom that I heated up earlier. I drop all my clothes in the middle of the floor and switch on my speaker and put on some music and get myself ready for the day. 20 minutes later and I finally have managed to put on my uniform, next I have to brush my teeth, as I'm brushing my teeth 'Slalom' comes on and I can't help myself but to pretend that I'm the boys and sing and jump around. As I finally finish brushing my teeth I look up to my tired drained face and decide to put a tiny bit of makeup on. "Kalani are you almost ready!?" Mum yells from the bottom of the stairs, "Yeah, but what about.." "what about what?" She asks, "Never mind" I shout remembering that Zachary was gone. I walk out of the bathroom and grab my bag and make my walk back downstairs to get my lunch that was waiting on the bench for me. I run walk over to the front door/shoe room and grab my slightly scuffed school shoes. As I'm doing up my buckle I look up at the clock to see that the time was 8:12 and school starts at 8:20 and it was a ten minute walk but I like to get a there a little early just so I can catch up with my friends. "Hey mum, is it ok if you can drive me to school today?" I ask as walks in to say goodbye, "sure can" she replies with a smile on her face. We hop into the car and make our way to school which was only a five minute drive.

~Skip the car drive cause nothing happens~

I get to school and I ask mum to drop me off at the corner so my friends didn't see. As I make my way over to the gate I start to see Tatiana standing there with her boyfriend Sam, Sam was the captain for our school soccer team. He was nice enough but I just felt like them two weren't going to last long, the other girls just think I'm jealous because his hot and I don't have a boyfriend but I have my heart set on someone else that I know that I'll most likely never met. "Hey Kalani!" shouts Tatiana as I approach them, "Hey!". She says goodbye to Sam then she wraps her arm around my neck as we walk in the gates of hell. "So how was your night last nigh? Where's Zachary?" She asks as we head towards the other girls. "Ahh yeah about that..." I say looking down remembering of last night, I felt a slight frown make its way onto my face. "Hey girls!! Hey Kalani what's up?" Morgan asks probably noticing the frown on my face. I look up and sit in the middle of the table where we normally sit, "ahh well so every night when Zachary and I walk home he abuses me and so last night he went home with Jersey so I built up the courage to show my mum what he does to me and well, she kicked him out and now things have really changed and it's so quiet and weird". I say fiddling with my long dirt blond hair and that's when Jenisa brought up the whole Exchange Student thing because she was an exchange student last year. That gave me a brilliant idea that took over my brain all day.

~after school~

After school I have enough energy that I decide to literally run all the way home and ask mum about having an exchange student. As I turn the corner of our house I see that mum is at the front watering the garden, "Hey sweetie how was school?" She asks turning off the hose, "Yeah yeah it was good mum but i need to tell you my brilliant idea that I would really like you to approve" I said while trying to catch my breath. "And that is.." mum asked as she turned to walk back inside. "Ok so Jenisa gave me this brilliant idea to to have an exchange student for a year because I'm gonna get really lonely now!" I said all excited. She look all confused like she wasn't sure what I meant because how could I be lonely when my brother ignored me and abused the absolute shit out of me everyday. "Hunny are you sure that you would like to be stuck with someone for multiple months that you don't even know?" "Yeah of course I am" I said still very extremely excited. She just sat their staring at me with her hands covering her face for a bit. She gets up and walks over into the office and closes the door. "Well ok then" I say almost like a whisper. I get up and head up to mums room and put away my bag and get off this horrible uniform for the last time in a while. *Bling*Bling* I walk out of my closet to see that I have a message from Jenisa,

Bold- Jenisa
Italic- Kalani
"Hey did you ask your mum about the Exchange Student thing yet?"
"Yeah but she's so confusing she just asked me if I was ok with having someone that I have never met live with us for multiple months and then she just walked off"
"What she's confusing? I know"
"No what if she walked off to contact them!?"
"OMG you're right she could've because she closed the office door behind her"

"Kalani!!" My mum shouted from the bottom of the stairs, "Yeah!?" "Can you come here please!?" "Ok" I close my phone and make my way back downstairs and sit down on the couch, "What's up mum?" I asked getting comfy, "ok so I spoke to someone about taking in an Exchange student" I interrupt with a loud gasp and let her continue, "they said that they didn't have any students at the moment" " nawww" I said really upset, "but, we were talking for a bit and there twins just applied to be exchange students," I was sooo extremely happy when she said that I started bouncing up and down on the couch, "the man asked if we wanted to take them both in or we wanted to wait for another student and I said no it's fine I'll take the twins." My jaw dropped I was so happy!!! "OMG REALLY!? THANK YOU MUM!!! Do you know their names yet?" I asked so I could do something nice for them. "No, they have to introduce themselves to use" she said, "oh ok, do you know when they are coming?" I asked hoping that it would be soon. "We'll seeing this is the last week of school for you they will be coming the start of the second week of holidays" she said with a smile on her face. I let out a loud scream of excitement. "OMG THANK YOU MUM!!!!" I scream jumping off the couch then hopping and jumping like a psychopathic idiot. During my fit, mum obviously got up and left to get ready for bed so she could get up early to clean our quiet large house.
It must've been at least a good 20 minutes later I finally calmed down almost completely. I ran up the stairs and into my room to where phone was. I lifted it up to see that I had multiple notifications on it. I ignored all the other stuff and went straight onto my messages and texted Janisa.
Bold- Janisa
Italic- Kalani
"Hey are you ok?"
"Are you still alive!?"
"Did I do something?"
"Right that's it I'm coming over!"
"No it's ok, I'm fine, no you didn't do anything it's just I had to go talk to my mum about something, sorry"
"Oh aha that's ok, I was a little worried, what did your mum say? Was it about the exchange student stuff!?"
"OMG YESS!!! I'm actually so excited we are getting twins!!!"
"OMG! Where are they coming from do you know?"
"No sadly all I know is that they are twins :( but I don't care, ugh I can't wait for the second week of holidays already!!!"
"Why? Is that when that are coming?"
"YESSSS!!! anyway I better get some sleep, well at least try cause I dunno that's how excited I am, night see you tomorrow <3"
"Naw ok see you tomorrow <3"

I turn off my phone and walk over to my connecting bathroom and got changed a ready for bed. I used so much of my energy before in that fit that I'm so exhausted and I don't think I'm going to even go on my laptop. I jump into bed and just stare out my window down the bushy hill down to the beach, "I wonder what they are like?" I kept thinking to myself. Before I knew it I was already asleep dreaming about many different faces of who they could be.

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