Chapter 3 - Food Is Love, Food Is Life

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"Drew! get your fat ass off of me!" I shouted trying to push him away

"Say please" he said smirking at me

"Drew you're squashing me" I whined

"Andrew get off of your sister" dad said walking into the room holding his mug and newspaper

"Fine" he rolled his eyes and got off

"Fucking finally" I said relieved laying normally

Drew mocked me and I flipped him off but he just poked his tongue at me. such a child.

"I'm really confused on how you're 23 now?" I asked dryly as i positioned myself normally on the couch

"It just happens baby sis" he annoyingly smiled at me and I rolled my eyes throwing the pillow on him

"Your mother called" dad said randomly to us as he was reading his newspaper

Who reads newspapers anymore? Oh right.. apparently dad does.

"What did she say?" Drew said in a serious tone crossing his arms

He hasn't heard about mum in 9 months now, I guess the amount of times she works her ass off she forgets to call and ask about us.

"She said she wanted to see you two over the holiday, she misses you both" he said glancing up at us before taking a sip of his coffee

I rolled my eyes and leaned back on the couch letting my head fall off of it

Don't get me wrong I miss my mum. But ever since things happen with dad and the divorce and her getting a job, we kinda distanced ourself from her.

Some days she would even forget that she had kids, I know what you're probably thinking what kind of a mother she is if she forgot her children?

Mum wasn't like this before. She used to be the best mother that anyone could wish for. Or as Eleanor and I used to call her supermum. But after El's death.. she changed.

She started to fight with dad more often and sometimes it lead to physical arguments - not the kind where you get stabbed or whatever. - but the kind where either mum gets slapped or my dad gets slapped because of the amount of rage and anger they both hold onto.

Drew and I had to witness all of this. It mentally scarred me. knowing that I lost my sister and had to watch my parents fight.

Drew protected me as much as he can from all the fights, he used to cover my ears at night when we both start hearing them argue and shout.

He would hug me and tell me that everything will be okay.

A week later I went down to the kitchen to grab me and Ashley a drink since she decided to stay with me to do some social studies homework, I saw mum sat there with a letter in her hand and a smile on her face

I asked her what's wrong and why was she so happy and she showed me that she got accepted in a fashion company in Italy.

That's when my heart completely crashed down to my stomach. The anger in me was too unbearable so I let it out.

I started to shout at her telling her that she would leave me and my brother all alone with my dad. She said she wanted to follow her dreams and I couldn't stop her from doing that.

I was going on bad terms with my dad so being alone with him without having my mum.. was a heartbreaker.

Yes my parents might of fought a lot but I couldn't forget the amount of times where my mum would come to my room and pull me in a hug when I desperately needed one. Especially, After I finished arguing with my dad.

And when she left as all alone a couple of weeks later. I distanced myself from her, we had a few calls here and there but it wasn't the same.

Over Eleanor's death anniversaries mum used to call me and ask how I was, knowing that she was in pain too but chose to ignore hers and focus on mine.

But things changed. Her work got the best of her and by then she forgot about me. Most importantly she forgot to call me and ask how I was. So I did the same.

"I think I'll pass" Drew said standing up but dad looked up at him and shook his head

"I already told her that you two will see her"

"WHAT?!" Both me and Drew shouted at the same time looking at dad as he causally flip to the next page

"No no no, you've got to be kidding me" I said looking at him and let out a small growl

He glanced at me before raising his eyebrow "you haven't seen your mother for nearly 5 years now. You both are going to see her" he said closing his newspaper and roll it.

"When?" Drew spat out accidentally and dad just shot him a glare

"Next week" and with that he left the room.

"Great." I said covering my face with the couch pillow

"So we're spending a whole month at our mums in fucking Italy." Drew breathed out

I sighed "well at least be happy that there is some delicious food" I mumbled jokily but he shot me a glare making me sheepishly smile

"You're unbelievable" he said in a playful tone before throwing the pillow at me

"We haven't seen our mother in ages and you're thinking about food?" He said

I smiled "food is love, food is life" he rolled his eyes and shook his eyes "how aren't you fat yet..." he whispered loudly meaning to let me hear what he said

I gasped dramatically "you dickhead!" And he smirked standing up before I threw the pillow on him instead.

"Better start packing baby sis. This is going to be a long month." He said ruffling my hair before leaving the room

You're right. It's going to be a long miserable month


I know I haven't updated in a while, I apologise but I had personal problems going on and it was stopping me from writing, can't forget the fact that these 3 weeks I have final exams as well. So thats stress.

Nonetheless, I'm preparing chapters so you'll hopefully get more I guess - well as much as I can write tbh.

ALSO! If there are any mistakes I apologise I'll try to fix them later.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter tho.

Have a nice day

-Alex xx

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