'"Don't mind all my friends, I know they're all crazy but they're the only friends that I have..."' Lucy sang to herself, she hadn't noticed her three best friends Jesse, Hayley and Nathan were videoing her. The three of them started giggling and Jesse whispered to Nathan that he was going to post it on YouTube. He had said it abit too loud though because Lucy heard. She spun around and screamed "WHAT?"but Jesse just started laughing. "Oh my gosh Jesse! Please delete that, I'm begging you" Lucy pleaded. "Ah come on Lucy you're an amazing singer let him put it up" Hayley said with puppy dog eyes. "Sure you can't even see you're face, Your back is to the camera" Nathan grinned. Lucy just shook her head at them, but in the back of her mind she knew she wanted them too upload it, for all she knew The Vamps might even see it...
The New Member (The Vamps fanfic)
FanficImagine your friends posted a video of you singing on YouTube and The Vamps saw it. That's exactly what happened to Lucy Pine.