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                The grey curtains permit a sliver of sunshine to dance on her face,  basking it in warmth and radiance before moving across her forehead and reaching the bridge of her nose dotted with tiny freckles – now visible

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    The grey curtains permit a sliver of
sunshine to dance on her face,
basking it in warmth and radiance
before moving across her forehead and
reaching the bridge of her nose dotted
with tiny freckles – now visible.
It dances and twirls, flitters and
flutters before dripping from her lips
like elegance, swift as the breeze.
Flickering like a candlelight, ever so
hesitantly, it nestles in her neck. It
proceeds to coruscate, the rays reaching
her bruised torso marked with battle
scars. Each with a story, but it neglects
them as it wraps around her body,
highlighting every curvature – her dark
skin glistens, it glows, and it glows. Like
the fiery ball at dawn and dusk before it
disappears. The sunshine finds a crevice in
her soul, it illuminates the rugged edges
of it before travelling down, down, down.
It curls around her legs, making way for
her knees, shining brightly – complementing
her but never completing. It sighs and travels
along her spine, leaving a hint of a luster
on the small of her back before it traces the
contours of her face and hops into her mind.
The dance is over, the audience rises for
applause. Sunshine stands and bows.

 Sunshine stands and bows

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