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The arrival of night lulls the world to sleep, while momma in her bedroom makes promises she knows she can't keep!

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The arrival of night lulls the world to sleep,
while momma in her bedroom makes promises
she knows she can't keep!

She takes in a breath, lets out a silvery laugh —
the little ones smile, they cuddle and surround
not knowing she's thinking of her epitaph.

Her love for them is sincere and true.
Let there be no mistake, she means it well,
even if her minutes are counted and few!

Thus, when darkness settles in her heart
she weeps — alone in her tiny room.
Knowing it's futile to wish for a fresh start...

For no human can wrestle with fate.
It's better to acknowledge
when you're late!

 It's better to acknowledge when you're late!

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