Just A Crush

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Chapter 2

Just A Crush

He closed his eyes like he was going to kiss me. Then my phone started to ring. Thank God! I didn't know what to do because I like feeling that close to him, but I really didn't want to kiss him.

We pulled apart, "sorry I have to get this it's my mom" I told him. I answered the phone, my mother wanted to know where I was because I wasn't at the pool with the other girls and it was already five minutes past 4. I lost track of time. "I came upstairs to get my camera and forgot what I was doing I fell asleep for a little while." 

When I was done on my phone I looked at Robert and let out a big breathe he looked a little disappointed "So what did she want?" Robert asked. "She wanted to know why I wasn't by the pool when she went down there to check it out, and she wants to know what we want to do today." I replied.

All he said was "Oh" I didn't know what to think. Was he really disappointed? If so why? Or is his mind scrambled like mine because of what just happened? Whatever it is I'm sure he'll be fine.

"I have to go and find my mom and friends, you can come or you can stay here. I don't mind."

He finally had a smile on his face. "I can walk you down, They're probably wondering what happened to me and I just want to assure them that nothing happened and all I did was apologize to you and nothing more. If it's okay with you I'd like to keep it that way for now."

When he spoke his smile disappeared. He didn't seem happy, at all. He seems a little moody, maybe it'll pass. Hopefully soon.

I got off the bed and so did he. "yeah that sounds good. Nothing happened." I put a fake smile on my face. I did not want to agree to do that. But I guess it's for the good of both of us. I still won't be able to get it off my mind. Something did happen, and i really wanted to admit it.. To the world. But I couldnt. It wouldn't be right. Robert is such a sweet guy I want to keep his trust.

He opened the door and I walked out in front of him. i stopped in the hallway to wait for him. He was messing with his hair in the bathroom. Which I thought was funny because he barely has any.

 He came out and shut the door behind him. "Was there something wrong with your hair?" I asked. He looked at me with the cutest little smirk. "yes. It was messed up." I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "What?" Was he really asking why I was laughing? "nothing it's just you barely have any hair, it looked fine to me."

He was smiling at me. He put his head down and then back up again, "Well. I'm gonna take that as a complement." he said as he reached for the down button by the elevators. I smirked.

The elevator dinged, "Wait!" I said quickly and sternly. Robert sighed. "I can't do this" I said, "it just doesnt feel right. I can't pretend nothing happened I mean what if they see the pictures? Then how do I explain that? And if i had to explain the pictures," I paused for a moment, "If I did have to explain the pictures.. I wouldn't want to do it alone."

"I don't know what to tell you. I'm not trying to sound rude or anything its just I have no idea what I'm supposed to say or do that will not get me made fun of. You know? I'm going with nothing happened and if you think someone might see the photos then just delete them. It's just a crush. I'm sure we will both get over and forget this ever happened in the first place."

I felt like my heart was going to burst. I'm just another crush to him. That's all. I looked down and shook my head while saying quietly, "I'm such an idiot."

He definitly heard what I said. I got in the elevator and he had this look on his face normal people would say of shock, but I knew there was pain in his face as well. He put his arm out like he was going to say something but he just stood there while I pressed the close button on the elevator over and over again.

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