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3 days later

"grandma I will take my leave now u don't have to wait for me just rest alright." 

Dayu bid his goodbye to his grandma as he make his way to Wang Qing mansion. 

Since the last incidents of grandma yu fainting Dayu decided to take over grandma place as a maid at wang qing mansion but for some unknown reason he has a bad feeling about this. 

The first time dayu saw wang qing he felt uneasy and restless without knowing why. But he just decided to brush it off. 

"God please tell me his not at home. But i also wish that he is at home god this is damn confusing what am I thinking by the way. Dayu yu better stop with your nonsense! Erghhhh just what is wrong with that guy he give me a weird feeling whenever i see him.  Every time i see him my heart just wont stop beating like crazy." Dayu lost in his own thought. 

  Without realizing it dayu has arrived at wang qing mansion and god just have to play with him because wang qing is at home.

  Without realizing it dayu has arrived at wang qing mansion and god just have to play with him because wang qing is at home

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"i bet he just about to go to his office since his in his tux" Dayu thought to himself as usual. 

"go to my office now." "wh...wait...what why" Dayu was flustered with the sudden command coming from wand qing. 

Wang qing just glare at dayu while just walking away from dayu leaving him there. 

"just what does this guy want now, and can't he ask me properly what with the command and all urghhhh."

"i have something to offer you" dayu just stare at wang qing questionably not understanding what is going on.

" i want u to be my boyfriend." " wh..... wait... what... whhat are u trying to say? aren't the both of us are man?" 

"i get what i want and i want u to follow my words!" 

qinge knows that he being demanding but this is the only way he can think of to keep him close to him until he figure out why he want him. Furthermore, he can use this as an excuse so that women won't try to get close to him in the near future. 

"but...but.. why?" 

"u will be my boyfriend in front of the public only and u will accompany me to any event, but don't worry i will pay u triple your salary now and i'm not asking u i'm telling u."

Dayu was confuse as hell with wang qing sudden request or should i say command. 

"urghhh this man i swear he is so confusing for heaven sake kill me now" 

"we will not do anything more than holding hand and kiss on the cheeks and that will only be in front of the public. And if the situation force us to kiss on the lips we will do so. U will not question me. so now i have said what i want now leave and do your work."

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