I have a question

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First of all, I would like to apologize for the slow update.  Please read till the end. or can just skip to the very last paragraph. 

I'm not trying to make an excuses but then I have a problem of my own and things just happened i guess. I was actually very sick even now I'm in the process of recovering. The truth is I'm always sick and usually by the end of the year i'll got hospitalized and what sucks is that it is every year the same process all over again. 

But then when i start writing this story i was very happy because somehow i was getting better in a term of there's no need for me to get hospitalized that year and that was in 2016. Which I thought i'm getting better coz the last time i was hospitalized was in 2015. So as i continue writing the story i was not hospitalized at all for 2 years which are 2016&2017. 

But i guess it was to good to be true coz early this year 2018 I was sick and i was supposed to get admitted to the hospital but then i manage not to. But that does not mean i'm in a good condition but rather it is really bad coz i even skip my classes. And my mom being a mom she told me to get hospitalized coz my condition is really bad, but being the stubborn me i say no.

I rather keep it inside rather than telling my mom that i'm hurting. coz i'm always sick since i was kid and having have to go to the hospital every year is suck while growing up. Trust me when every kid is scared of injection and there i was getting used to all this needle no matter whether it is injection or getting my blood checked up every year. 

So i thought at first finally I'm free since for 2 year i did not get admitted to the hospital but then this year i realized it is hard for me to get better like a normal person. Hell my parents friend barely knows that i actually exist and even if they do they will be like "owh she's the one that always sick, I pitied her she always at the hospital" and i'm like it actually stressing me out.

And the reason i'm telling u guys this is because the truth is i'm stressing out and it cause me felling so upset that i can't bring my self to update this story. And the truth is i don't know whether i should just delete this story and stop continuing it.

This is because if i continue this story it gonna be very slow and i really feel bad for this. And i don't know when i can update this.

So guys i would like to ask u guys whether i should continue this story or should just stop it? Please tell me guys. T_T    Thx For the support guys i appreciate it. 

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