Dedicated to IvanaM for the great feedback on the last chapter :P :D <3
So Sorry for uploading sooner, but i have had exams and i still have a load of exams coming up. Anyway love you all.
Here is a pic of Shane on the side ------------->
Chapter 3
Sav’s POV
As i was telling the guys the story about what Richard had done to me and who he actually was; I was crying with Storm, Aiden and Xander all comforting me. It was hard trying to retell what had happened that night without trying to picture it, I mean I still had nightmares from it. After i was done telling them i heard a CRASH and a loads of swearing, so I looked up to see that Shane had smashed the mirror and the others were swearing, including Xavier. Me being me decided to cut the tension by saying to Shane “Well, know you’ve done it” he gave me a confused look so I carried on “I mean, know you have 7 years of bad luck now, as you have just broke a mirror” after i had said that they all burst out laughing and i smiled. All the tension had now gone but then when they finally calmed down enough to talk Shane said “So, you went through all of that and now this and you still act normal??? Not that it’s a bad thing cuz it’s a great thing, but I mean I just wouldn’t be able to do that” he said with admiration in shown on his face.
All the guys were talking whereas I just sat there thinking, I mean I just told these guys who are practically strangers to me, my biggest secret. All of a sudden the lights went out, storm and I took out our phones and shone them on our faces and looked at each other, we were both thinking the same thing, Adian and Xander saw the looks on our faces and then said to us “NO, don’t even think about it , we are not playing that ever again, and especially when we have little children about” they said in the ‘don’t argue as we will ground you and take away you most prized procession’ type of voice. “But guys we always play the game when we have a power cut” Storm said and I added “and we’ll tone it down if Lee and Luck play, pretty please with a strawberry on top” with my famous puppy dog face that nobody can say no to. After an hour of arguing and Adian and Xander blackmailing me and Storm we finally gave in and said that Lee and Luck could choose the game as they came into the living room along with Kaylee and Jon while me and my brothers were arguing.
Shane is currently leaning over my head and Xavier was leaning over my legs with Kaylee, Ty, Troy, Adam and Lee were all under me while Jon was helping Luke with the spinner. As you have probably guessed Lee and Luck chose Twister. Kaylee all of a sudden went down followed by Lee, Ty, Tory and Adam. It was just me Shane, Xavier and Storm left in the game. “Xavier put you right leg on yellow” Luck ordered Xavier to do, then he was down and somehow took Shane down with him, so it was just me and My twin, Storm, left and i was determined to win. “Sav, move your left foot to the red circle” i did as Luke told me to do. “Storm put your right leg on the green circle” Storm did what Luke said as well but slipped and fell. I only fell to the floor when i felt a heavy weight on me. I looked up to see Shane on stop of me straddling me. I think he realized what he was doing and suddenly got off me. “Well, looks like we have a winner, and that is Savannah, and I never knew she was so bendy, does she have any bones in her body” Shane said and a blush rose to my face, but no one could see as the power was still off.
It was getting late and i was tired so Jon brought down all of the mattresses and pillows and covers for us kids. My brothers were sleeping near Lee, Luke, Adam and Xavier. Ty and Troy were sleeping near each other, so that left me and Shane, with only one mattress left that was a double. I couldn’t ask anyone to swap with me as they have already gone to sleep. “I won’t hurt you, ya know” I jumped a little and looked around and saw it was Shane who had spoke “I know, I was just going to get into bed now” I replied. After I got into bed, Shane took off his trousers and shirt, so he was just in his boxers, then he got into bed and pulled the covers over us. I just lay awake and Shane pulled me to his side, so i lay my head on his chest we said good night to each other and we finally fell asleep.

Living with the Bloors and my 3 brothers;D Oh joy!!!:P:D (very slow uploads)
Teen FictionWhen Savannah's parents die in a house fire she and her 3 brothers move in with ther mum and dads childhood bestfriends the Bloors. Kaylee and John Bloor have 6 children all of them boys which is Savannahs worst nightmare as she still rembers what H...