Chapter 1
Savannah’s POV
Hi my name is Savannah but my friends and family call me Sav. I have 3 brothers; there’s Storm who is my twin we’re 16, then there’s Adian and Alexander he’s known as Alex or Xander their both 17. ‘We are about to land in California so get seated and get strapped in and thank you for flying with British airways’ the pilot said through the intercom. “Kaylee, wake up were about to land” me and my brothers said to the woman who was now are legal guardian “thanks hunnies.” I bet your wondering were my parents are, well they died 2 days ago in a house fire, so now me and my 3 brothers are off to live with my mum and dad’s childhood friends. When we finally got our luggage Kaylee ran up to someone who looks like her husband John. “Look at all of you, haven’t you grown” John said to us. We haven’t seen John since i was about 5. “Hey John” my brothers said at the same time. We got to the car and Kaylee said “You guys do know i have 6 boys don’t you?” “Yh we know but don’t know the names or ages of them” Storm said. “Well there is Shane he’s 18 then there’s Tyler who prefers Ty and Troy their both 17 then there’s Adam he’s 10, then last but not least, Lucas who prefers Luke and Lee there 4”. “Cool” my brothers said excitedly, me on the other hand hasn’t spoken since me and my brothers woke Kaylee up on the plane.
Xander’s POV
“Cool” me and my brothers said together. I looked across to Sav, she hasn’t said anything since we woke up Kaylee, but then again she hasn’t really spoken since mum and dad died, she was always a daddy’s girl and their relationship was really strong she told him everything. I got pulled out of my thoughts when we pulled up in front of a huge 3 story house. Once we got out the car Kaylee ran into the house, i went and got my luggage as well as Savannah’s, and walked with her. “Sav, you alright Hun” i asked her all she did was shake her head and tears welled up in her eyes. We headed into the living room, and then i said “hey im Alexander but you can call me Xander or Alex. This is my twin Adian, my little brother Storm his twin Savannah but you can call her Sav” we all said our hello’s apart from Sav. “hey im Shane, this is Tyler but you can call him Ty and his twin Troy, then there’s Adam, then Lucas but you can call him Luke and his twin Lee” Shane said and pointed to all of them. All of a sudden, Luke and Lee ran to Sav and hugged her leg, so she bent down and hugged them back. Lee and Luke said “Sav don’t cry, we here to keep you happy, want to come play with us?” what shocked me and my brothers was that Sav spoke saying she would love to and she had a smile on her face for the first time since mum and dad died.
Shane’s POV
When Savannah went off with Lee and Luke her brothers had a smile on their faces, so i ask “what are you guys smiling at” they all looked at me and Storm answered “Sav spoke and smiled, that was the first time she has since our mum and dad died. When she found out they died she stopped speaking with everyone.” Adian then said “she had a bond with dad, she told him everything, you could say she was a daddy’s girl” then Xander said “Oh by the way she has a eating disorder so we you’ll have to hold her down and force her to eat” with that they all went to find their sister. Mum and dad went with them and once they were too far away to hear us i said “she is HOT” my brothers nodded in agreement, then Ty said “but her brothers seem protective over her, so I’d like to see you try to get near her” well no challenge is to small or too big for me to handle, i thought to myself. “Bro i know that look, and don’t force her into anything cuz we don’t know what she’s been through” Troy said “How the f*ck do you know if she’s been through anything, Troy” i asked, Troy was about to answer but Ty replied “Didn’t you see how she was weary of us, bro, and how she would only speak to her brothers, Luck and Lee?” “Yh but i just thought it was because she was close to her brothers, also chicks love little kids. But i think your right about something happened to her” i said, i knew we were all wondering what had happened to her, but none of us would ask her yet we would probably wait till she’s settled in.
Savannah’s POV
“I would love to” i said to Lee and Luke, they are just too adorable to say no to. They lead me into what looked like the boys playroom and then Lee said “Shane said you look pwetty and hot” “did he now” was all i could say, i did notice the look Shane was giving me, and to be honest it scared me, i know he’s not HIM, but after what HE did to me I’ve never been the same. After my brothers found out what HE did, they became more protective over me, as did my dad, my mom didn’t know and we didn’t know how to tell her either, because she would have taken it too far and then she would have ended up in prison as well as HIM. My brothers finally came in with Kaylee and John. “Hey sis, you alright?” Storm asked “Yh im fine, but just thinking about you know who and what he did” i said feeling like i was about to cry. “Sis it’s alright he can’t get to you here ok, plus he’ he jail.” Aiden said “Savannah, your brothers are right he can’t get you while you’re here, i will make sure of it.” John said, he is the only person outside of my family that we told but that’s only cuz he was my dad’s and mums best friend.

Living with the Bloors and my 3 brothers;D Oh joy!!!:P:D (very slow uploads)
Teen FictionWhen Savannah's parents die in a house fire she and her 3 brothers move in with ther mum and dads childhood bestfriends the Bloors. Kaylee and John Bloor have 6 children all of them boys which is Savannahs worst nightmare as she still rembers what H...