Part 1

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We should have known.Of course it wouldn't be easy but at least not as hard as it was. 

The four of us stood on the doorstep and briskly rang the bell. It was chilly out and my breath was visible in the vast space that was the night. Lockwood put down the bags as we waited.           

' Cold, isn't it?' he says. He rubs his hands together and blows on them.                                                     'yeah.' I reply. I snatch a quick glance at us all.            

 George was as messy as always. His shirt was untucked, his shoes scuffed. His hair wasn't brushed and his face showed signs of late night snacking. Holly on the other hand, was perfect. Her hair was in a neat bun and not a solitary strand of hair was out of place. Her lips curled into a slim smile. 

Then there was Lockwood.

His hair fell perfectly into place and his deep eyes shone. He was wearing his usual smile. The rapier at his side glinted in the moonlight. I could have stared all day but then the door opened revealing an old women in her sixties. Her face was full of wrinkles and she wore an expression of fear on her face.Lockwood was the first to speak.                                                                                        

'Miss Waters? Good. We're here about your call.'                                                                                                     'Yes,yes. Do come in dearies. Won't want you....... catching your deaths out here now would we?'   And with that, we picked up the bags and continued through the door, vanishing from the night.

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