Out of the mirror

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Locked away in that mirror for years. In the basement of our nimrod opposites " The Rowdy Ruff Boys" or at least that's what we have heard they are called, looking through the mirror we saw a light coming from upstairs and noise that was coming downstairs? Maybe the ruffs are coming to get us out of this mirror! If they do we will have to have a little agreement
Ruffs POV
"Hey hey, guys look at that mirror!" The read ruff said
"Yeah, wait there's people inside!" The blue ruff said
No ones POV
"Yeah! Let us out, and we will help you beat Thoes sissie puffs and rights!" Brat, the blue punk said
The ruffs looked at eachother and agreed to let them out and that's what they did
Berserks POV
"Finally out of that mirror!" I said
I looked at my sisters and then back at the ruffs
"So we will help you beat the puffs and the rights! But first... Let's introduce ourselfs"

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