It all started at my favorite place in the world which is the library next thing you know he is in MY HIGHSCHOOL like seriously WTF. WHY someone answer me why...
Author's Note : Ok look you are gonna maybe get confused in this chapter but this story is from the perspective of two people and those people are Archi and Paris so the story revolves around them. Plus there is two authors for this story. At the top Carissa is wearing the 2nd outfit while Paris is wearing the 4th.
{ Archi P.O.V }
As I was running again and bumped into two figures again I LOOKED AND SAW two of my favorite people in the world PARIS and CARISSA . We all squealed at the same time and hugged each other talk about squad goals. They were my best friends for as long as I can remember but me and Paris weren't always friends but that's a story for another time. Carissa went to Hawaii for the summer while Paris had to attend to a family emergency so I didn't get to see them all summer.
"So how have you been" Carissa asked me.
"I am better now since you guys are here now. I SPENT MY WHOLE SUMMER AT THE LIBRARY BY THE WAY." I saw Paris rolling her eyes at me.
"Ok look we can discuss this later but it's almost eight and if we don't hurry we are gonna be late for class. What class do you guys have first period" Paris said.
"Chemistry" both me and Carissa said in a unison.
"Well me too so let's get going" Paris said and with that me,Carissa,and Paris started running .
{ Paris P.O.V }
It's nice to be back together with Archi and Carissa we been through ups and downs together. I have been through a lot this summer and I just want to forget it all but I know that's never going to happen. And it's the best if I don't tell anyone even Carissa and Archi.
.... Back In The Present ....
Me, Archi, and Carissa made it and realized the teacher didn't even show up yet. We sat down at a lab table that had four chairs like the other lab tables. There was a extra chair next to Archi. Everybody was chatting and talking until a young tall man walked into class wearing a collared shirt with beige pants he had brown hair and dark brown eyes and let me tell you he was HOT. He walked up to the board and wrote Mr. Fitz and turned around and introduced himself. "Hi my name is Mr. Fitz and I will be you chemistry teacher for this year and maybe English for some of you". Damn it there goes my chance with him wait I am kidding right I wouldn't have a relationship with a cute boy just look at me. Mr. Fitz had already started his boring lesson until there was knock at the door and I could tell by Mr.Fitz's expression that he was pretty annoyed finally he opened the door to reveal two boys. The first boy was cute but wasn't my type but when my eyes looked over to see the other boy my jaw dropped instantly. He had black hair and beautiful blue eyes it was like looking at a angel for the first time.
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Suddenly "Why are you two late to class" Mr. Fitz asked. The first boy answered first "It's my first day here and I got lost" next the angel answered "Oh I was just skipping class that's all ". As soon as angel answered he became a demon and my jaw that was open closed up. "Ok can I have both of your names please" Mr. Fitz asked. The first boy's name was Jin and the bad boy's name was Percy. "Ok gentlemen I am gonna assign you seats" Mr. Fitz said while scanning the class for available seats. Percy got placed in the back of the classroom and as he was walking to his seat all the girls in the class were giggling and talking about stuff I didn't need to know about.
"Ok Jin you can sit at that seat over there" Mr. Fitz said pointing to the seat next to Archi.
Archi's face became from shocked to scared. I was actually wondering why she was surprised and scared to sit next to Jin and why she seemed surprised as Jin first entered the class room. Finally Archi said "WAIT WHAT sorry Mr. Fitz that can't happen". Soon enough Mr. Fitz's expression went from being neutral to annoyed.
"And why is that Archi" Mr. Fitz said clearly still annoyed.
"Because Jin has a ego the size of a giraffe" Archi replied.
"Look Archi I don't care so Jin please take your seat" Mr. Fitz said. With that we continued our boring lesson.
[ Time Skip To Lunch ]
Me, Archi, and Carissa were out in the the school field eating our lunch and chatting. Archi already had explained to me and Carissa how she knew Jin and WOW was it a big coincidence.
I was walking and I bumped into someone ugh why does this always happen to me. UGH. "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING GOD DAMMIT " I looked up and say the ANNOYING JERK THAT I MET YESTERDAY AT THE LIBRARY. UGHHHHHH. But wait why does he have pink hair.
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WHATEVER. Then he said "Okay why don't you watch where YOUR going. What are you blind how can you -"Look here princess I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR SH*T OKAY" I interrupted him and then looked at the time ughhhhhhhhhhh. He was about to say something but I started to run.
When Archi finished telling us about Jin we looked up and saw the most ugliest girls in school. UGH WHAT DO THEY WANT FROM US. Okay you may be wondering who the ugly girls are they are they are THE CHICKS. Yea an ugly name right. They started talking about something but I was too busy staring at Percy WHY DID HE HAVE TO BE SO HOT? Then some stupid chick blocked my way I looked up to see who it was. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Author's Note : HAHAH THERE ARE SO MANY CLIFFHANGERS. MYSTERY PERSON:" When am I gonna come in the story". Admin Emerald: "SOON DARLING SOON". MYSTERY PERSON:"Admin Emerald when are you gonna reveal that your" aksksksmwmmamakaoakam *admin emerald chokes HIM. MYSTERY PERSON : "STOP STOP OKAY OKAY I WON'T TELL". ADMIN EMERALD:" I AM SO EXTRA".