We Meet Again!

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It's been a day since I met that boy, I always find myself looking at that whistle that he gave me. I always look back to that very night I thought that I'd never be able to see Granny or Peter again. The night I thought I was going to get murdered by that malicious, cold blooded, heartless Queen for something that I was completely oblivious and innocent about, or become imprisoned or her slave. If it wasn't for him, I'd never be back here, with my Granny, and Peter, feeling safe and warm...

    "Red?"  Oh, and did I forget to mention, if it wasn't for him I never would've met Mary, my new best friend, who I met earlier this morning in our chicken hut

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"Red?" Oh, and did I forget to mention, if it wasn't for him I never would've met Mary, my new best friend, who I met earlier this morning in our chicken hut. She was in there freezing and afraid because of the wolf.
"You haven't stopped staring at that whistle with that smile on your face,"
"I was just remembering something," and someone I add in my mind, I feel the heat rushing to my face, why did I think that?
"Ahhh," she looks at me with a knowing smirk, did she know? "Well, anyway...you're Granny's kinda...Intense," thank the lord she changed the subject!
" Yeah, a bit, I feel like a mouse in a trap," I sigh, my head bows slightly
"Is this trap keeping you from...being with someone?" my eyes widen in shock
"H-how did you know!?"
"Well, I saw some looks exchanged back there, and, I hate to break it to you, but, it wasn't exactly subtle!" she laughed giving me a light hit on the arm, I laughed as well, while blushing.
" Yes. Peter and I had been friends forever, but...now things are...well, changing," I say quite nervously, while fiddling with a pillow on my lap. I look back up to see Mary smiling gently at me.
"That must be nice,"
"Do you have someone?" I ask quite excitedly, I just love romance, and plus i don't know that much about Mary.
"Oh, no. I'm not sure that's in my future. You're lucky Red."
"I know. And we're thinking about going away together," I whisper to her, she has a happy and then it turned into a surprised expression, I wonder why? " But I don't get any time with him. Granny's too afraid of the wolf to let me out alone. You saw what the wolf did. Sometimes, i wonder if she's right," there's a few seconds of silence, I look back at Mary, "Mary?" still nothing," Mary is something wrong?" she jumps a bit before speaking again,
"Oh...yeah, she's right about the wolf," my face sinks, mary too, " but, she's wrong to use it to keep you from love," she gives my hand a gentle squeeze,
"You think that's what she's doing?" I ask her quite shocked at what she said, but, in a way it did make sense, she gives a slight nod and I look down until I hear her ask me something weird.
"So...Who was that boy with the hood?" she asks me with a slight smirk and a look in her eyes I can't identify...curiosity maybe, I'm not sure.
"You know the boy that saved you and gave you the whistle that you keep on looking at," her smirk becoming more noticeable,
"H-how did you know that!?"
" I was there," she gives me a quick wink, she was there? Where? And why does she want to know about him?
"I...uh, don't really know...he was a thief that took responsibility, I guess,"
"I see...so you don't like him?"
"Huh...of course I like him," now I'm confused," what's there not to like!" I smile cheerfully at the memory.
"I don't know, what is there to like about a thief?"
"Oh, but Mary, you don't know what he was like, he was so kind and gentle, yet so strong and fierce, he was so apologetic and sincere. He was so loyal and kept his promises. And oh my word his voice was so smooth and pleasant, did you know he's an amazing singer, no, of course you didn't. He was so muscular, his arms so warm and protective. And did I mention he was so cool when he fought those blasted Knights, and his aim with his arrow was AMAZING..."
"I-I see, I get it that you REALLY like him, don't you!?" I suddenly stop when I hear her.
"Yeah, I really do, but, he just left me with a whistle, no name or anything, I don't even know what he looks like under the hood," I got quieter as I spoke due to sadness taking over.
"Do you like like him, Red?" that made me freeze and my body react by over boiling, my heart thumping so much I think that Mary can hear it.
"N-no, I mean...I like him as a friend, he's like...like an older brother, or something!" I find myself stumbling over my words and Mary doesn't seem to believe me.
"Are you sure, Red? you know you can tell me, right? I'm not the one to judge," she holds my hands and gives me a reassuring smile.
"I-I'm sure, I only see him as a f-friend...the one I love is Peter,"
"Ok, I believe you...though I must say when I saw you both together I'm pretty sure I saw sparks," this made me smile and a slight flush of red appeared on my cheeks, no! Stop reacting this way! The one you love is Peter, P.E.T.E.R! Why is it that my my mind agrees but my body doesn't?! Ahhhhh, what is wrong with me!? Should I ask, Mary? Should I not?
"So...how are we going to get you and Peter together?" I snap out my inner turmoil when I hear Mary's voice speaking to herself, which thankfully she asked out loud otherwise my head would explode! Then something hurt in my chest.
" Any ideas how we get you lovebugs together!?" ignoring the pain, I start to think, then a sudden idea hit me.
"L-let's kill the wolf!"
"Hang on!"
"We'd be heroes,"
"Red, teams of trained hunters have been killed,"
"But they go at night when it's got the advantage. If we went now, we could find it slumbering in its den and kill it in its sleep. Come on!"
"Red, I don't know,"
"I'm going - with or without you. But, you're right - I can't let her keep me trapped forever!"

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