Authors' Note

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Authors' Note

First things first, guys. Apparently there is only one ingredient in sugar cubes. Ten points if you're the first one to guess what it is.

Now, down to business.

We (FlyOn97 and myself, TheMiddleChild) already talked in the authors' note of The Hero Effect about the long, arduous journey of this particular story since its conception. I (TMC) will not, at this time, regail you with the tale again (Read it in the authors' note of The Hero Effect. It's a real thriller. -FlyOn). Instead, this Companion to The Hero Effect will hopfully act as just that, a companion to the... well, you get the idea.

See, we both realized fairly early on that the story might have the potential to really confuse the fromage (It means cheese. TMC is learning French. *eyeroll* -FlyOn) out of people. This companion book is our attempt to clarifiy some of the finer, more complex points of HE (Henceforth, for time purposes and because, as Misha Collins once said, "this typing is too tedious" we're going to use HE in place of the full title.).

Anyway, this companion book will include a number of things including, but probably not limited to, character profiles, including all of the main characters and, more than likely, as many of the side characters and villians that we feel we can include (which we hope will be useful if you get confused), short stories, deleted scenes, a more detailed look at some of the settings in HE, and a special thing that we've been working on that we affectionatley call "The Hero EfFACTS". Get it? Facts? We're so darn clever.

So, sit back, relax (although not too much; otherwise you won't be able to read it, cuz you'll just be so relaxed) and enjoy getting to know our story a little bit better. We're hoping you fall as much in love with the world we've created as we did.

With Flying Digital Sugar Cookies


Get on it, Effectors.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2014 ⏰

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