Chapter 1 beginning

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A little girl sat at the edge of her bed crying her eyes buried in her hands. Her quiet sods was all you heard in the quite little room. She had short blue black hair pulled into two little pony tail's and a black little dress with black shoes. Then in her room came her mother she had long black hair pulled into a bun and had also a black dress "I know I am sorry I am sad too. But he wouldn't want you to cry its ok shhh daddy may not be here anymore but I am. Shhh" she told the child, the child looked up to face her mother and hugged her. She was crying more this time her mother hugged her back and cried with her daughter.

A year later

The little girl was now 9 years old her name was Clara. She was a really happy positive girl her hair was up to her shoulders and was wave to. Her blue navy eyes sparked when she saw her friend Jackson. He always was there for her ever since her father died a year ago. He would always give her teddie bears when she wanted one or if she was sad. That would always cheer her up "hi jack" she said and looked up at Jackson her friend "hiya kido" he said and crouched down to meet eye level. "I made something for you, here" he gave her a black navy rabbit toy. "Wow thank you jack its so pretty" Clara said hugging the rabbit tightly. "No problem kido" he said and opened his arms for a hug. She hugged him "thank you jack" she said and he hugged her tighter they let go and she sat down on her bed. Then the door opened and her mother came in "sweet hart dinner is ready" she said how did she not notice jack. Well there a simple answer he was gone. "Ok mommy I will be there in a bit" said Clara and she nodded and went away. Clara got up from her bed and waddle down stairs to the dining room. She sat down and her mother brought the food to her and sat down with her daughter there are four seats in the dining room but two are empty one was Clara's fathers and the other was the one when her aunt (from fathers side) comes to visit. There was silent while they were eating if Clara's father were here it wouldn't be so quiet. Then Clara got a flashback of how her father died.


It was a hot sunny day Clara and her parents were visiting her grandparents in Mexico, Salvador (mothers side of parents). They were signing while they were driving but kept there eyes on the rode. They were happy they were like that perfect family on the TV shows but there past is not so pretty perfect. The mother (Esperanza) was half Mexican and half white: because her mother was raped by a white guy when she was visiting the U.S. Her mother had to rays clara alone so she went back to Mexico were she met a guy that took care of her and her mother. Clara's father (Andrew) is fully white and that's how her mother learned English. But Clara's father us to be in a gang and when met her mother didn't want to be in it so they beat him up badly and left him there. He was in a hospital for a few weeks but was willing to recover so he could meet his new baby (Esperanza/mother is still pregnant).  The were still driving but soon a car skipped a red light and crashed in to them. In that moment. Clara's father saw everything in slow motion. And after was bleeding a lot while her mother and Clara had only a few scratches and cuts.
~end of flashback~
~another flashback~
When they pronounced Clara's father dead they all cried for him. "Clara" said her mother braking the silence "yes mommy?" she responded "can you go to your room and lock your self in it" said her mother she nodded and went ever since her father died she always told her that. When she did she can hear her mother crying and screaming braking things and yelling 'WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE US HERE!' or 'YOU PROMISED NEVER TO LEAVE ME, US!'. Her mother may look happy when she is with her daughter or others but when she was alone that was another story. 

~end of all flashbacks~

The little girl and the mother ate there in silence they didn't speak a word. The table they sat on was full of good memories, birthdays, laughs, talks, and even sometimes guest would come and make things even better like her aunt, but they haven't seen her since the funeral. All the memories came to Clara's mind but she was use to it she knew what was going on. She knew her father was never coming back, she knew her father was gone...dead..., she knew her father was in a 'better' place. When she went to the hospital the doctors thought is was weird that she wasn't  traumatized after the incident. 

After dinner she went back to her room and closed the door, with still a smile in her face, soon she knew she would start 3rd grade. She didn't make many friends they made fun of her because of Jackson and because she had no father, but that never turned her down she always smiled threw all of that. Pushed liked her life even if it was missing a few things she was happy and that all that mattered to her mother, her, and Jackson...

Aww cute beginning right? 

Mwuhahahha *planes evil plane for future chapter*


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