T H R E E// Kiss and Ride

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Gwen's POV

(Btw, its already a week away from winter holiday!)

I met a new friend today! Her name is Titania. She is a cousin of Scorpius and Draco. Her brother, Zeke, looks very much like Scorpius but has blazing green eyes. She also has two sisters, Lyra and Leda. They are in their third year. Anyways, this morning Scorpius asked me to wait for him in the common room to go to breakfast together. "Scorpius!" I said looking shocked he was still wearing his PJs, "Why on earth are you still dressed in those clothes?".

"I'm not going down to breakfast and neither are you" he said, I was very confused. He read my mind and said "I had the elves bring us breakfast in our common room so that we can have a break during breakfast and have our free period that is right after.". "Aww, so thoughtful" I responded. He mimicked my accent and said "Of courze, ve must vatch a movie togezer". I laughed und he just smiled.

Scorpius POV

I made her laugh! I need to tell her I love her now! "Um, Gwendolyn" I asked looking at her while she was watching the movie, "Do you want to go on a date with me?" I asked very fast.

"Oh, Scorpius!" She smiled and hugged me, "Of courze I vill go on a date vis you!", " I zought you vould never ask!".

I smiled at her and said "Great, how about tomorrow during the hogsmeade trip?". "Okay" She said "I vill meet you in ze front 'all at tvelve sharp" She said. I laughed and then suddenly I moved my lips on to hers and surprisingly, she did not pull away! We stayed like that for a few minutes then we finally needed oxygen and pulled away. "Oh dear!" she exclaimed, "I be zate for charms if I don't zeave now!".

"Alright my love" I said as I kissed her cheek, "I need to go to Herbology anyways". With that she left the room.


Gwen's POV
"He kissed you!" an overly excited Hermione said as Draco came into the room.

"Yes!" I said.

"Wait" Draco said as he held his hand up, "My brother kissed his crush!".]

"Yes!" I squealed "and asked me out!".

"Okay, I'll leave you two to gossip about my brother." Draco said then swiftly left the room.


Draco's POV

"Dude!" I said to my brother, "You kissed Potterette!" .

"Drake, it was just a kiss." I replied cooly when on the inside I was exploding with joy, "and don't call her Potterette!".


"Anyways, I was thinking of taking her to three broomsticks, getting a butterbeer to go then taking a stroll around and buy her some stuff." He told me.

"K" I replied. I was sick of everybody talking about his relationship with Potterette when me and 'Mione were just as cute!.

Sry for the short chapters. I know I am taking the relationship a bit fast but I have something up my sleeve for later!

-Lyra Natalie Malfoy (Comment if you thought that the 'N' was for Narsissa)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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