Chapter 1: Outcast

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These tears rolling down my face. Each one falling slowly and silently. Why am I here? Why did I put my self in this situation? Look at her. She is scared, I can visibly see that she is scared. I know what being scared feels like. I know how she feels. All the emotions swarming inside of her. All the questions she is asking herself but not finding an answer. Why is this in my hand? Why am I even holding this? Will this help me? Will this give me a stupid reward? Why did put I my self into this equation? Why did I? Was I scared? Right now I'm scared of myself. I'm scared of what could me...

3 months earlier~

"Rose! Wake up! You're late for school...again." My mother yelled as she tore my blankets off of me. Instead of feeling the warmth of my bed, an instant shock of icy air hits my skin. I guess a crop and leggings weren't a good choice of clothing at this moment. I unfold from my fetus position and scoot to the side of my bed, barely sitting up straight.

"Yes, mom." I croak to her. Then I fell on my back into the bed. I could feel her glare, but I paid no mind to it.

"The next time I walk in here you better be ready." My mom says with an irritated tone. Turning on her heel, she lightly stomps out through my doorway to downstairs. I, however, stayed on my back looking up at the ceiling.

"Another day..." I say finish it off with a longing sigh.


Finishing off my 3rd period, I start to walk to my locker. Once I took a step out the door, all of the laughter, talking, playfulness, and complaining died down a bit. All eyes were now on me. I don't really like all of the attention, but they don't care. I just continue down the hall to my locker like I do every single day. Ignoring the whispers and scoffs from my peers as a walk further to my destination.

"Isn't that Kyle's girl?"

"No man, that's his ex now."

"No, they are still going out."

"Why is he still with her. Didn't she lie about him "hitting" her?"

"Yeah that's right, but I did see them get into a fight at Oliver's party Saturday..."

"But he didn't hit her, she hit him..."

"Well, if she did hit him, why did Oliver stand in front of her in this protecting way?"

"Guys...she was bleeding through."

"Please, that was fake blood. She just wanted attention."

"Then why did he help her?"

The rumours and whispers went on from there. It's amazing how gossip can spread just like wildfire. Now I'm going to be the topic for this week...great.

"Yeah, why did he help me though..." I mumbled to myself.

"I don't know, but let me just let you know that your special." The stranger said next to me. I looked up to see the one and only Leo Jackson. He kind of shocked me but we were good friends and he was best friends with Oliver.

" is that?"

"Because the Oli I know, doesn't just help out anybody."



What Leo said stuck to me, but what he just said was true though because Oliver doesn't just help out anybody.

"So, how are you holding up?" Leo asked as he gave me a soft nudge on the shoulder.

"It's fine, I guess...I really don't like the stares to be honest." I say holding my head down as I let my bangs cover my eyes.

"Yeah well get ready for more stares to come. Look at who just arrived." Leo pointed out.

I looked up a bit to see what he was talking about and I instantly saw Leo's smile vanish into a sneer. So confused, I peek my head up a little bit more. My heart dropped once I heard the voice of the last person I wanted to see.

"Hey babe, how has it been," Kyle said. I just looked at him in disgust.

"Why are you calling me that? We are over Kyle...ever since what happened at that party." My voice turning into a whisper. I could now feel all those eyes once again on me.

"Um, your my girlfriend Rose. What are you talking about? Forget it, we are going." Kyle sounding a bit aggravated.

"Girlfriend?" I scoffed. "Me? Your girlfriend? Get away from me Kyle, you really think I'm still with you?"

"Rose we are going. I'm not going to say it again." Kyle quickly grabbed my wrist. Digging his nails into my skin as he did. Bits if blood can now be seen from my frail arm as I yelp in pain.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled at him. At this, he was taken back a bit but made his grip tighter on me.

"I swear if you don't-" Then Kyle was interrupted.

"She said to leave her alone." A voice says.

That is when I see Oliver step in front of me. I don't even know where he came from. Was he there the whole time? Why did he step in? Has he always been this tall? I couldn't even see Kyle anymore, but he did quickly let go of my wrist. At that time, Leo hurried and dragged me away from both Kyle and Oliver.

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" I heard Kyle say from a distance.

Out of know where I soon heard a loud smack and a huge thud on the floor. Oliver just punched ex...

"Let me take you to my house for the rest of the day okay," Leo said taking out his keys from his pocket.

"Oh...ok, just take me away from here." From my response, he gave me a gentle smile and then sat me in the passenger seat. This was going to be one long day.

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