Chapter 2: Are You Jelly or Something?

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"...And that's how I fell in a lake while trying to catch this butterfly." Leo's body erupting with laughter.

I was dying of laughter as well, how can a fourteen-year-old boy really be that interested in a butterfly.

"Do you still chase butterflies at the age of eighteen?" I giggled.

"Hmm, maybe." Leo put on that toothy grin of his.

That answer really got me. I was laughing so hard that I think I could have died from it. I was now at Leo's house on his couch that felt like I was sitting in heaven. His house was very clean and had a nice mixture of texture. Dark blue walls, polished, dark, brown wooden floors and grey furniture. It was absolutely stunning. His mom was home and when she saw that he brought company over, especially a girl, she hurriedly and went to the kitchen and made us some snacks. She was a little lady. I can now see where Leo got his eyes from cause her eyes were so brown and warm. With her red hair in a messy bun. She looked very young like in her late twenties. When his mom came back, she made strawberries with Nutella and cheese with crackers. It was really good for a simple snack. While I was pretty much shoving the food into my mouth, Leo leaned over to my ear and whispered to me.

"She uses a secret ingredient in everything she makes, but it's a different secret ingredient each time."

"Really!" I whispered-yelled back to him. My eyes went wide and mouth hung a little open like a child seeing piles of candy. I really wanted to know what the ingredient was. From being excited and still shoving food in my mouth, a little bit of Nutella got on the corner of my lips. Leo saw and let out a small chuckle.


"Yep, that's me!" I replied back cheerfully.

"Well, you have a bit of chocolate right-can-you-I'll get it."

He grabbed a napkin and wiped the bit of chocolate from the side of my mouth and the next thing he did shock me. He licked the chocolate off the napkin!

"Eww..." Now I was back to my laughing fits. This guy is doing the craziest things but it's hilarious.

"What, we are not in the movies when I should be kissing you, you know." He chuckled. He did make a valid point.

"What's with all this laughing in here you two?"

Leo's mom comes out of the kitchen and she stares at us. I can see in her eyes that she is getting the wrong idea, but I didn't seem to mind.

"Oh, nothing Mrs. Jackson. Your son here is just being a little nasty." I told her giggling. I then elbow him in his ribs.

"Hey! How can you waste Nutella! That stuff is heaven." Then in his response, he shoved me off the couch playfully.

"Hey!" I responded to him.

"Sorry Rosey but you pushed me first." Now he was the one laughing his head off.

"Rosey? That's my new nickname?" I tilted my head a bit when I asked.


Leo is just, how can I explain, crazy but in a good way. While I'm on the floor giggling and Leo on the couch having a laughing fit, Mrs. Jackson interrupted us both by clearing her throat.

"So, do you two need anything else?" Mrs. Jackson ask still eyeing us mysteriously.

"No mom we are fine..." Leo replied back to her in a flat voice.

"Um, ok sweetie, just to let you know the condoms are upstairs so you two won't make a mess down here while I'm in my room." Mrs. Jackson said back with a smile. It looked like she was trying to hold back her laughter. She then made her way to her room. The clicking of her heels getting fainter as she walked off.

This left Leo and me in utter shock. My mouth was gaping open with some pink dusting my cheeks. Leo's face, on the other hand, was crimson and his eyes were wide open.

"You good? Like, I'm surprised as well, but it looks like you just saw porn for the first time." My mouth now turning into a smirk.

Leo also fixes up his face and he puts on a smug impression.

"Nah, I've seen that years ago, but I guess we could try something for ourselves upstairs. My mom wasn't lying you know." He voice turn husky and he wiggled an eyebrow.

Now it was my turn for my face to be crimson. I quickly snapped out of the thought that appeared in my head when he said those words and shoved him playfully. To this, he chuckled at my embarrassment.

"Okay fine, how about we go get some ice cream from Publix and bring it back to my place. You could make any type of combination of ice cream you want." He said with that signature smile of his. Of course, I couldn't turn this moment down.

"Did you think I was going to say no! Also, can I borrow a cap?" From the words that came out of my mouth, Leo's smile turned in to a smirk. Both Leo and I made our way to the door, and Leo grabbed a white cap from one the hooks. He gave it to me and began to open the door.

"You can keep the cap, and I knew you wouldn't turn ice cream down, and here I thought—hey what are you doing here?" He had just opened the door when he laid his eyes on the, well known, Oliver Nate. The reaction Oliver gave to Leo's surprise expression was a little laugh, but it quickly turned into a scowl.

"Funny I should be asking you the same thing." To this remark of his, he wasn't talking to Leo, he was talking

"Well Leo invited me over and we were about to get some ice cream." My voice cracking a bit. I didn't even know why he was mad at me and why I got kind of scared. I then took a step back behind Leo.

"Come on man, your scaring her."

"The fuck. Does it look like I give a shit."

Leo let out a frustrated groan.

"Can I take her for ice cream, please. Your overreacting."

"Do what you want, I'm staying here."

Leo rolls his eyes and walks off with both of our hands laced together. I still don't know what was his problem. As we walk off, I look back at him and raise an eyebrow, but I soon just let what just happened fade from my mind as we jump into Leo's car.

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