Chapter: Two

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My Daily Life Part: One


I woke up once I relised that my alarm clock wasn't an actual rooster from the neighbors farm. I groaned as i got up and stretched. I turned the annoying sound off then made my way towards the bathroom to get ready. I took a shower then put my hair up in a bun.

I got dressed in a maroon sweatshirt and some jeans. I brushed my teeth and applied a tad bit of mascara and eyeliner. Sylvana says im naturally pretty and that i dont need any makeup but I still put some on anyways.

I put on my black vans and grabbed my backpack. I dont have my drivers license since i dont know how to drive. Or because I forgot how to drive. At least I remember how to ride a bike, with the help of Eric and Sylvana...

They got me a bike. Without them i dont think I could do anything. I am determined to pay them back someday! I heard that they always wanted to go to Love Love Paridise so i vow to take them there one day.

I walked out the door and towards my garage where I keep my bike. I got on then rode to school. On my way there, A group of kids drove past calling me horrid names. 'Potato' or 'Shorty' and much much worse names i dont want to repeat.

Its funny... for some reason I heal fast but only physically. Mental damage doesn't heal easily. Not even with magic. Its far worse than physical damage in my opinion.

I peddled faster. I looked at my phone and saw that school started in 5 minutes. I looked up and my eyes widened. I was on the road. The wrong side of the road. I turned my handlebars sharply once i saw a car coming. Big mistake. I lost control and my bike hit the curb, sending me flying off.

My phone flew out of my hands and i hit the ground. My bike  was a few feet next to me. This is why sylvana warned me not to go on my phone while riding...

I hissed in pain as I slowly got up. I grabbed my phone which, luckily, was ok. I put on the camera and saw that i had dirt and blood smeared on my face, a leaf in my messy bun which was even more messy, and a decent sized bloody scrape on my cheek. I had 3 small cuts on my face as well. One of my forehead, one on my other cheek, and one right below my left eye.

I rolled my eyes. Just my luck. My sweatshirt had a grass stain on it as well. I looked like a hot mess. I checked the time and saw that I was late. I'll clean up in the schools restroom.

I winced in pain as I walked towards my bike. My cuts were stinging and my right leg hurt while walking on it. My backpack protected my back from the landing so that was good. I got on my bike then continued to ride to school.

Once i was there i put my bike on the bike racks and quickly went into the school. First period started 15 minutes ago. Luckily, nobody was in the halls. I rushed towards the bathrooms and went inside.

I walked towards the sinks and immediately turned on the faucet. I washed my face and got rid of the muddy bloody mess. I cleaned the cuts and scrapes then took the leaf out of my hair. I took out my messy bun and re-did it so it was neater.

I couldn't help my grass stain on my sweatshirt so I left it. My face still had those injuries. It wont heal until at least an hour later. Once I was cleaned up I grabbed my bag and walked out of the restroom and into first period.

I quietly opened the door and walked inside, hoping nobody would notice. The lights were off and a movie was playing. It was about the Phoenix War and how the Phoenix Wall was built, protecting Phoenix Drop from the horrid monsters outside.

Another thing, how did I survive the outside world with nothing? No protection, nothing but the clothes I was wearing, which wasn't even this century style!

The doctors also said they were surprised I survived until I got in Phoenix Drop. They thought a monster bird or a dragon would of killed me before I even got halfway towards my destination.

I quietly made my way towards my seat. I was about to sit down before i heard a voice whisper in my ear. "Young lady you better have a good explanation for why you are 25 minutes late for class!" The voice harshly whispered, nearly giving me a heart attack.

Once i was calmed down I turned around and saw my history teacher, Mrs. Brook. She gasped once she saw my face. "Bike accident" I whispered back. She nodded understandingly and walked back to her desk. It was still dark and nobody payed any attention.

I sat down and began to watch the boring movie. I felt something land in the hood of my sweatshirt. I huffed out in annoyance as I reached behind me and pulled out a crumpled up peice of paper out of my hoodie.

I unwrapped it and read the hateful note.

You Are Worthless

Oh look, everybody signed it. Oh! Kelly Jones even added a heart next to her name, how sweet. Honestly, why? Why do they do this? I was nice to everybody but the 'populars' hated me for some reason... and once they started to hate me everybody else did as well, Like the pathetic pawns they are.

Why must they hate me? Am I to ugly for their liking? to annoying? What? What is it!

I angrily tossed it in a nearby recycling bin. Maybe i am just worthless. I felt tears fall down my face, stinging my new cuts from this mornings accident. I put my hoodie up and tried to watch the rest of the movie.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

Bai! 🐢🍰

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