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Shoutout to JustinBieber_Sorry for inspiring me to write this and for being such a big supporter😘

Stephen made his way out of the shower, a fluffy snow white towel adorning his tan body. He had been consumed in his music and seemingly to occupied to notice that someone was still in the Locker room. Steph jammed to the music showcasing his classic dance moves, a soft laugh disrupted Steph's antics. "Oh hey" awkwardly said Stephen scratching his head in embarrassment, his teeth pulling at his lips. "Nice moves" said Klay a shocking display of emotion evident on his face. "Yeah, i practice" replied Steph trying to recover from his embarrassed state, and scrambling to get his clothes. Klay laughed not at all surprised by Steph's over joyous personality to be accompanied by dancing. "So what you doing here?" asked Stephen surprised Klay was here and not with Rocco. "Well my brother stole Rocco, so i decided i would stay back and hang with you" replied Klay his voice neutral during his proclamation. "Um sure, thats a great idea" Stephen muttered, suddenly feeling flustered with the thought of hanging out alone with Klay. In truth Steph had low key been avoiding the man. When Klay earlier in the season had asked why Steph hadn't been coming over, Steph responded saying he was doing his best to help out KD. But now the season was more then half way over, Klay was bound to come and ask Steph to hang out.

 Both made their way out of the complex, sports bags over their shoulders. "So my house or yours" casually asked Klay breaking the strained atmosphere. "Um yours, i have not cleaned my house in years" chuckled out Stephen cringing at the thought of his messy house. Klay chuckled too, acting oblivious to Stephen's tense structure. "You still Know the way?" Asked Klay taking a slight dig at Steph. "Yeah" Stephen replied a lopsided smile accompanying his face, embarrassed that Klay had caught up to his tactics. Steph slumped his way to his car, dwelling in the parking lot as long as possible. He clicked a few buttons, adjusted a few mirrors and looked both ways 5000 times before making his way to Klay's. "This is stupid" thought Stephen how could he treat his best friend like this. They were so close, but stupid Steph had to catch feelings. He kept trying to convince himself that he was avoiding Klay to help KD, but he was only fooling himself. Those feelings for Klay had been there for months, and the only way he dealt with them was shove them down. He had to make up his atrocious behavior to Klay, he had to keep his friendship. Cause that's all he and Klay ever were friends.... just friends bitterly thought Stephen. 

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