Chapter 11: dates

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School started back up two days ago, and I have lost almost all interest in it. Yeah I want to make something of my life and get a career, but right now I just don't feel like its a good time for me. Don't get me wrong, I love school I'm just not feeling it at the moment. Although I hate it, I've decided to finish this semester since I only have a little bit under a month left, and I might not end up going right back next year. I haven't told anyone yet, because I'm sure Claire's going to be upset with me.

Right now I'm trying to find something to wear tonight, because it's the night me and Louis decided to go on a date. I decided it would probably be the best idea because I don't have school in the morning so we can stay out late, and Claire is staying at Harry's so she wont be wondering where I am going. We both agreed on keeping 'us' on the down low so that nobody gets their hopes up or something because we don't know if this is going to work. Let me rephrase that, I don't know if this is going to work, because I'm pretty sure he's positive that this is going to be perfect.

Finally giving up because I have literally nothing nice to wear tonight I decide to go ask Claire to borrow something of hers, maybe she'll have something not so ugly.

"Claire, do you have a simple yet cute dress I can borrow?" I ask walking in her room.

"Um yeah I think so" She says getting up from her computer desk and walking into her closet.

"Any certain color?" She yells from inside the closet.

"Preferably black"

She doesn't respond she just stays quiet. A few moments later she walks out holding her black knee length strapless dress.

"Does this work?" She asks walking over to me.

"Yeah, that's perfect" I state taking it from her.

"So, where are you going?" She asks still standing in front of me.

"Just out" I say lying.

"If you're just going out then why do you need to look so nice?" She questions me.

"I want to look presentable, what's the big deal?" I ask getting frustrated.

"Never mind, just don't get into to much trouble" She laughs as I walk out the door.

As soon as I get back into my room I shut the door and strip out of my clothes and get into the dress. Since its five thirty and he's picking me up at six thirty, I should probably finish getting ready.

Walking into my bathroom I pull out my straightener and blow drier. Since I had a shower earlier my hair is still a bit damp, so I have to blow dry it before I can straighten it. Once I finish that I quickly straighten my hair. I think I'm going to have to get a haircut soon because its getting quiet long, it goes a bit below my belly button. Pulling my bangs back and pinning them there I spray a bit of hairspray and now my hair is finished. Now to do my makeup. I decided on a simple Smokey eye look. with a bit of foundation and some light red lipstick. 

It's six fifteen once I finish, so I have a few minutes to spare. Grabbing my purse I throw my phone and wallet in it, then I put on my black flats because I really don't want to end up falling tonight. Just as I take a seat on the couch a knock comes from the door, so I get up and go answer it.

As I open it I see Louis standing there in front of me wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white V-neck. With his hair done up into a quiff, he's smiling so big.

"Hi" I say.

"You look beautiful" He compliments me.

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" I say with a smirk.

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